Frens, all my life savings are on metamask from the last 7 years, now i cant log in anymore.
Error: no HD key tree found.
I got 2 accounts on metamask, now i cant log in with my password anymore, all of a sudden.
I need to sell some Link to pay for my dogs operation or she will die, its the only thing besides Link i have, i cant lose her, we life in a forrest together, solar panels, only spring water, 20 square meter the whole deal. She is only 2 years.
I am to dumb to figure it out, hd key tree not found, please someone, what can i do to regain access, i must sell Link now, i cant take it, i cant think anymore, i dont want to be alone, she needs me but i need her more.
Inb4 im stupid trusting in metamask, thats not a reason to die alone though. Can someone help?
HELP PLS!Metamask tries to kill me
You did write down the recovery words and put them somewhere safe, yes?
Did you use metamask generated wallet or imported separate eth wallet (ex: mew) ?
>1 post by this ID
I Think i wrote it down, pkey, in an old Laptop which is not in my possesion and in another country. Just got my phone...i used a metamask generated wallet i think. Didnt knew any better, found a Link meme in 2017, bought as fast as i could after researching it without knowing anything about the other stuff like pkeys, wallet management etc. I just knew 1keoy,4thindustrial Revolution and i can still make it with Link after all. From my first gains from Link i bought tools, a tent and my dog.
Please dont derail..
Cant tell anymore, but most possible is MM generated, not mew
OK, then just try to find recovery seed for metamask.
Thanks for the sacrifice
It's this the main reason why the price of crypto is guaranteed to increase?
Bunch of people losing the keys an be forgetting passwords
Lets say thats not possible in due time, is the -no hd key tree found -error the final destination for us, meaning without seed there is no option to gain access.and how sure are you about that, where could i ask for confirmation, just got 300mb Internet left, after that we are fucked. Its all my fault for being uncompatible with life...
Nice, i lol'd a bit. Poorfags dont determine the future price for oracle solutions.
In btc probably, but Link is another beast.
Check this link, if using Brave browser:
Otherwise just try to locate recovery seed.
Ok, its a firefox though, doesnt matter? Thank you.
Sorry, honestly don't know.
Using firefox too, they had an update yesterday, maybe it affected... I remember something similar last year, all extensions stopped working.
Recovery seed is best bet, be sure it is engraved on a piece of titanium or smth. it worked, then i closed it, reopened it and error...will engrave it on me manson style if i get the Chance again. Its an issue many have i read, but only in github the discussion is ongoing, no answer from metamask..
did the firefox update? is it possible the data was corrupted?
Yes it updated a bunch of stuff, turned it on for the first time in 12months. Doesnt sound good desu
do you have the latest metamask? they fixed an issue 7 months ago that gave same error
Shit man, how many Linkies are we talkin about here?
problem is i dont know if the update retroactively sets the logout timer back to a correct number on the wallet to fix the error (since u have to login to place the setting back to a correct number....well if you cant login you cant). you might have to ask a dev if you can edit the number manually.
I hope you saved your private key somewhere, else you are a dumb faggot who shouldn't be in crypto in the first place
You are a dumb faggot who has contributed nothing to this conversation. Cheers for the insight!
OP, whatever it is, backup your firefox app data/cache/whatever folders before doing anything.
Sorry for late reply, im panic searching for answers
No i dont, i fear if i update i lose my chance to recover my funds , no?A few k, my only hope right now
Im not in crypto, im in Link only, and obviously retarded
Whats a dev, a developer? Of metamask?where?
Sounds reasonable. I dont know how but i will try to find out how it can happen.
Thanks to all who try to help a fellow user out and stopped shitposting for a minute on a very serious bread to me and my doggo.
good luck mang i hope you can get this working
>Stores his life savings on his browser
Well kid, at least you've got some wisdom out of this.
>all my life savings are on metamask from the last 7 years
>A few k, my only hope right now
get a job OP...
You can create a Github account and create an issue
Then MetaMask developers can look into it.
Life in the woods, no jobs, cars or people around, just by myself, you dont have to understand it.
Awesome, thank you so much.