Don't listen to the FUD about LINK and UBT. user, the future is bright for you

Don't listen to the FUD about LINK and UBT. user, the future is bright for you

Attached: 5e79d076849c2aeyNi6947.jpg (900x1280, 57.5K)

Those are not men

Do you have source on that info?

jav is disgusting.

wtf those titts are MASSIVE

imagine if you looked like that haha

who would even want that haha


cope harder chang

I would unironically pay 500 LINK to
fuck all these bitches at the same time
imagine being a closeted homosexual incel just come out fags it’s 2020 people will put up with your flaming gayness

>shilling random X shitcoin along side link
Never change biz

Ayumi Shinoda, Kurea Hasumi, Anri Okita and Asahi Mizuno


the two on the right

Hold 500 link for 1 year and you'll have girls like that lining up for you


Japan’s plastic surgeons are pretty great at tits, I fucked a few 19 year old whores with tits like that when I was in Tokyo and I could barely tell, fucking awesome

>implying $5k is enough

how much did you pay

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They look like fairies or some shit the girl on very left looks like some kind of doll

the amount of plastic in this picture could feed fish for generations

Attached: 1iiu9k1d1qp21.jpg (1080x1351, 905.33K)

Thanks, I had recognized only Okita

me on the right

MIRD-145 a classic

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Varies, for sex it’s like 2-300 for an hour and then theres like fetish add ons you can add, but there’s lots of places you can go to get a bj for like $50. You order the girl you want and services on an iPad and wait it’s honestly a really easy process

Do the expensive ones look anything like Onri, or even come close?

Asian men look like THAT?

Attached: 22f.png (640x591, 20.02K)

This lumping of link with shitcoin-of-the-day is getting tiresome. Can't you shills come up with something new?

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Time to invade again

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gonna fap to it now thanks user


Whos the model on the middle right? She is the only Asian girl I would consider marrying.

read the thread goof