I missed the bottom, should I buy back in now?
Why's everything pumping, I thought we're in a depression?
I missed the bottom, should I buy back in now?
It's dumping this week
Be ready and don't get fooled into this suckers rally
Also, that's a man
what logical reason do we have to be in a depresssion?
inb4 COVID-19, its a nothingburger
This! Just wait
You really think the God Emperor would let us down? May kek forgive you user, but I fear you may be a fool.
this repeat after me... D E A D C A T B O U N C E
With all the new retail investors, this sure as fuck reminds me of 1929. There was some filthy fucking whore asking about "what stonks do i buy" right before the drop in March. If that's not a parallel to the shoe shine boy I don't know what is.
this but unironically
>Also, that's a man
Stop thinking about tops & bottoms, it's the journey that counts.
oil war, trade war, index bubble, corporate debt bubble, 1000's of CEOs have left, most likely as they've bleed the company dry via stock buy backs, dollar liquidity issues (use of repo)
I'm sure there's more
very astute user
Literally every single thing you mentioned is priced in
I think the market just wants to get back to where it was and that's it.
Where will it go down to do you think?
>bleed the company dry via stock buy backs
Giving investors return on their investment is now bleeding companies dry. That absolute state of ya.
Dubs confirm, I have so many puts ready for blood next week.
I have stop losses on everything but HAL. ARNC is my golden goose that nets me about 50-70 bucks when it bounces.
Pic related
I think equilibrium must be sought
The only credit being used right now is the repo facility. The economy needs loans to supply the system with new money. Personally I see a horrible feed back loop of liquidity issues & default.
Kek, yes Milton Friedman maximist
We hit peak delusion last week at 50% retracement from the bottom. All good news are now released and the trumpbux has been transferred from the middleclass savercucks to the elite. This is the return of the bobo.
Buy NWC, it's going to pump like a rocket
honeslty I think none of us are really smart enough to know whats going on.
Can the government print money forever?
will they use the money to bail out EVERYONE?
what effects will the Huge amounts of printing have to peoples wealth being diluted etc
pretty sure most of it is bad, however is the government buying up stocks?
Agreed. 2nd wave outbreak in China is not going to sit well either.
Soon people will realize that we can not just reopen (unless R0 is
Stocks are up, ONLY because of the Federal Reserve.
1) They're buying up shit bonds
2) They're even buying stocks to inflate the markets (which is why everything is up)
What's the cost? HUGE taxes in the future. We're leveraging the future so that we can stabilize today.
The FED said that they would pump 2 trillion into the market, and that's what you see happening. After next week, they will stop pumping. They are already at 2 trillion. I know the printer go brrrrr meme is funny, but they will not pump forever. Many speculators are only in the market to take advantage of the FED pumping. As soon as the FED stops, they will cash out.
that's a man
You are absolutely right. Covid-19 is a nothingburger flu. However, its being used as a catalyst to pop the bubble we are in. The "Rally" is just a reflection of the FED pumping money.
Buy lend aave is where everyone is putting their link anyway
Exactly this. And what's worse, people KNOW this, and they are planning to cash out as soon as the FED is done pumping. (Which is next week). Basically, all the money the FED just pumped is going to be extracted by speculators.
Well..time to buy more
Just be ready, if it starts to crash, sell as much as you can. When it starts to crash, the VIX will spike again,wait till it starts to come down, and then be ready to buy the new dip.