Sorry. But ETH is so shit it had to actually move to an entirely different chain and then somehow has got away with labeling ot wth 2.0. What fucking bullshit are people falling for? Muh eth has the most developers, muh eth has network effect, muh eth is first mover...all of which is bullshit. It came out years after btc and many other great crypto projects and only mooned cause the ico scam market. It couldn't run a fucking kitty game. Meanwhile tons of platforms are already scalable and fast and secure. I won't name the names cause I will be accused of being a shill. But seriously it's not an upgrade. Its admitting its shit and making another chain ffs. The worst thing is noob normies redditors think eth is like btc cause they weren't around when it started. If any project had half the fuck ups like the dao rollback and delays at first literaly no one would buy this shitcoin. Iys always been a shitcoin and a fucking disgrace to what crypto is supposed to be. Even Szabo who normally holds back says it's a piece of shit. Rant over. But I'm right.
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Fucking hell that's based.
imagine thinking this
Agree. Tezos is where it's at.
I agree. it literally just crumpled because of the corona dump causing people in MakerDAO to lose millions. that was like 3 weeks ago. Ethereum is garbage folks. other coins are playing catch-up fast
This. Tezos is literally self-upgrading and will always have the latest tech. By the time ETH upgrades in 2021 to some shit it worked on in 2018, some new tech will be out that Tezos was able to smoothly vote on and implement
mmm yes tezos 5 man team will clearly outpace ethereums largest open source dev community
i'm not trying to shill Tezos but they have hundreds of devs. Ethereum is a mess right now man. literally the last upgrade was an emergency hard fork (Muir Glacier) that none of the thousands of amazing devs caught
Why does more people mean better? Bitcoin was the genius of one man...probably. large amounts of people working on the same thing produces fuck all. All the greatest inventions of man have been usually one man not a fucking team.That's pure collective reddit bullshit and is why they fucking love it. Tons of developers worked on EOS to string a few nodes together in a centralized way. Whoopie shit. Muh teams..
Every ethereum killer x300turbo blaster chain is faster than ethereum until you put it under a stress test.
Its easy to talk shit when you don't have the load Ethereum chain manages so you can pull number straight from you butthole and claim your chain/shitcoin is faster and brainlets like OP would fall for it and buy you're newly minted bags.
I suggest you retards out there scrutinize every article and post you read (assuming you have the capacities to comprehend the bullshit most of the chains claims and crunch the numbers) which I think most of you don't have.
How much ETC cost during its ICO and what's the current price? At this point you're just mad because it's not at the price you want, during ico madness ico barely pulled a 7x while literal scams were doing 20x 50x 100x on a daily basis
OPis just a NPC parroting every bullshit he hears and have no self criteria
>Reddit spacing.
>And stupid fucking reddit newfag thinking to the fucking letter.
Bitch I've been here before crypto when we actually talked about business and finance grow up faggot
>larping as an oldfag
>there was a time before crypto on Yas Forums
Yas Forums was created to get the crypto of Yas Forums and /g/ newfaggot
BTC maxis are SEETHING.
Kek fucking retards actually believe this shit, back in 2014 there were no crypto related bullshit. In 2015 ethereum shills were always put down
All real oldfags like myself were on Bitcointalk. Literaly all of crypto was in Bitcointalk Admitting you were on a pedo japanese upskirt incel board before crypto came here is fucking an hilarious home goal. Fucking hell dude...
I've never admitted to be a crypto oldfag faggot.
I've been on this pedo incel gaping asshole of a board for 10 years
You're both sort of correct. Yas Forums was created mainly as a containment board for crypto, but it wasn't dominated by crypto at first. I would say it was about 20% crypto when it first started.
0/10 bait. It’s the weekend, go have sex weirdo faggot.
Centralized piece of shit.
>Ethereum is a mess right now man
>says he’s not shillin tezos
>shills tezos
>Meanwhile tons of platforms are already scalable and fast and secure
You're not naming any not because you'll be accused a shill, but because people will highlight immediately how they are not even remotely secure.
The flippening is going to be the best day of my life. You boomer coin autists really do need the rope. Ethereum is literally the only use case for blockchain to gain any real adoption. Bitcoin is fucking trash and the fear is setting in for those who got in early and haven’t sold yet
>Kek fucking retards actually believe this shit, back in 2014 there were no crypto related bullshit. In 2015 ethereum shills were always put down
But the ethereum shills were right, so the people putting them down were foolish.
Im not an expert but the platform has what like 10 dedicated teams all over the world working on it
Check the roadmap, being constantly in development this early in the game especially with such a strong community is as good as it gets. Im not sure what more you can ask for
This is something that has to be worked out and worked on with cycles of progression and the vast general consensus is that Ethereum is doing the best job..
Matter of fact, why are you so fucking retarded?
This, half the crypto space runs on ethereum and after btc it's the quote currency of choice... etb is going nowhere EVEN if it's garbage.
Some random muh tx speed shitcoin will never replace it, sorry.
Quality over quantity, LINK was always the obvious choice for making it
>herpderp, buy my shitbag, anons!