How long is this recession going to last? History says 2 to 3 years for a full recovery

How long is this recession going to last? History says 2 to 3 years for a full recovery.
What do you think?

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We’ve literally been in a 125 bull market. What the fuck are you on about?

Crypto will accelerate the recovery. Those workers (gig economy) were never needed in the first place, now they can have a UBI for the remainder of their pathetic lives.

125 year*

What recession?

until may

That was the recession. We shitcoin paradigm now

It might be a bear trap too, similar to when BTC went from 5k to 3k.

Look at the stock market of countries that goes through hyperinflation. The market pumps like crazy.

Just look at your picture and you can see how the market begins as flat and then starts to ramp up. the S&P500 might hit around 10k within the next 5 years.

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recession isn't going to happen
V shaped recovery, everything back to normal by june

Lmao you are all delusional. I’m literally about to move to an off grid community. See you faggots in 10 years.

We're already on our back to all-time high, imagine listening to bears and missing the best buying opportunity of all time

The only thing you should be buying is silver and gold. Who gives a fuck if the stock market is at all time highs if the paper currency doesn’t buy you Jack shit.

It would have been a painful 2-3 year recovery had we taken the pain in 2008. And by now we would be well back on our way to a thriving economy if the free market was able to re-work the serious economic imbalances. All we did the last 10 years was give heroin to a heroin addict. When what we needed was a deep recession. The Jew fed Preventing a recession is the worst possible thing you can do. The recession is too be embraced and welcomed and is the cure to an overheating economy to pull back get rebalanced before more growth. We had dozens of recessions in the 19th century but it was under a free market so it only lasted 6-18 months on avg.

We are going to have a sovereign debt collapse and currency crisis the likes of which niggers in Zimbabwe have never seen. It’s fucking over. Even link holders will only have the comfiness of niggers living in section 8 housing right now. It’s fucking OVER.

By June everything will be exactly back to normal in terms of both society and economy with the exception of some businesses getting customers back over time, if they can. Stay at home forced many people into discovering how cheap and convenient Amazon is.

At the beginning of July there will be a small uptick in cases. Trump will say it's just the end of it, it will be the beginning of the larger, more intense wave. By late August/September it will be in full swing again with hospitals overflowing while the east coast gets pummeled by hurricanes and the entire Midwest floods. Major cities like LA and NYC will see riots, white yuppies will be raped/executed in the streets based on how much mutt dick they're willing to suck. The north and northwest will be the only area not having major emergencies or disruptions to basic services. Expect Chinese/Japanese land ownership in the area to increase beyond what they are now.

By Christmas the American paper dollar will be worthless and all digital dollars will be converted to USDC, with these separate economic zones demanding tax payments in the form of their own centralized tokens. Think New England Token or CaliforniaCoin. Safe to say BTC/ETH will be world reserve currencies.

Can you please update that chart. S&P500 is nearly back at ATH. lmao

>dumb reddit chart

>By Christmas the American paper dollar will be worthless

So many people said it every year for decades now.

At some point in time, it has to be correct, no?

gig economy and public service and MacDonalds are the only things left in Australia right now

You just don't understand the chart.

It's not about the exact formation of the lines, it's about the emotions people go through when a bubble occurs.

I agree with this, but it wont go as high and it will happen a lot faster. the s&p will hit probably from 4-5k by late summer. This top will be the high point for decades. I think we go down to 800-1000 in a short period of time after this top is reached.

Yeah, when nobody wants to live in America, which is happening soon.

>you just don’t get it

It all hinges on how the govt responds to it.
Personally I think that with this stimulus package, they've opened a Pandora's Box they can never close. Every American just got $1,200 directly into their bank accounts, nobody's going to forget that. And it's supposed to be temporary, but in an election year which politician is going to vote to be the one to stop giving money to the 10+ million people who just lost their jobs?
I think you're going to see an extension of the 'temporary' UBI program. And then it will get larger because $1.2k isn't enough. Then it will get larger, and larger, and larger. And the fact remains, nobody can pay for it. So we'll print money to pay for it.
And at first this will work. There's so much dollar denominated debt out there that we can print money for quite some time. But we will eventually hit a tipping point where people will stop taking out debt in dollars, or oil deals will start to be done in some other currency, or some combination of factors. And in a matter of months, all that inflation we kept on managing to export to foreign countries and/or isolate in the stock markets will come to your grocery stores.
And when that happens hoo Nelly is it going to be some serious shit.

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March 2021: Life largely returned to normal by the late summer of 2020, and the economy has rebounded strongly. The United States used a sharp, short shock in the spring of 2020 to break the cycle of transmission; warm weather then reduced new infections and provided a summer respite for the Northern Hemisphere.
By the second wave in the fall, mutations had attenuated the coronavirus, many people were immune and drugs were shown effective in treating it and even in reducing infection. Thousands of Americans died, mostly octogenarians and nonagenarians and some with respiratory conditions, but by February 2021, vaccinations were introduced worldwide and the virus was conquered.

10k spx in 5 years, Jesus you’re deluded

No, you are.

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>The north and northwest will be the only area not having major emergencies or disruptions
Wildfires? Earthquakes?

I don't think this is a recession, just bad gov't regulation getting in the way of a roaring economy. Lift the restrictions, end the fearmongering journalism and get everyone to calm the fuck down and start acting normal again.

You have no idea what’s coming, eh?

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Wishful thinking. I'm mad too user. I wish I bought more during the dip. It will never be that low again.

Don't get me wrong, I don't even own stocks right now. I'm 20% cash and 80% BTC.

I just see the stock market going full retard because of all the $ printing as a possibility.

Do you want to revise your estimate a little user. That's a pretty rediculous statement.

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Couple months. .

I don't know man that cut looks deep. I'd say 3 at least

>There's so much dollar denominated debt out there that we can print money for quite some time.
Finally someone who gets it.


>t.european or leaf