Swift is working with Chainlink watch the video

Swift is working with Chainlink watch the video


I was banned last week for posting this so be fast. This has to do CHAINLINK which we all now is a business product. This thread contains highly sensitive information about Chainlinks partnerships so save it (fast) and spread it(pic related) I am video recording my every move at the moment if jannies or mods delete this public document I will upload the video on bitch ute and expose how biz has become a honeypot. I am using TAILS and 12 VPN connections

Good luck everyone

h t







> remove spaces (backspace every line) 4chun is not allowing this URL to be in any thread. And yes Chainlink is partnering with Swift and every other major player. It’s a pdf file if you still don’t believe me look at his twitter :


“We are all in this together” and for those who lurk biz long enough know that covid 19 was THEIR plan and Bizonacci warned us. He died for this and we should always remember his kind acts. Crab 17 + Stage 2 = C19 is a pseudonym for Covid 19. youtu.be/y28Diszaoo4. Read the title of the vidya

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how much does chainlink need to be worth (1 link) for it to collateralize a SWIFT payment?

considering Vitalik has confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's centralized and will NOT be the "one" oracle solution...

no, it's not working with Chainlink

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 8.25.53 PM.png (1384x300, 125.07K)

you again...? guys this faggot is shilling chainlink, he was not banned lmao problably a discord trannie raiding biz at certain times with this copy pasta shit

a hundred bajillion majillion

What's a swift?

think in fractions of a link.

Link is partnered with SWIFT

Watch the video do you understand English ?



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Let's go

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>you had three years

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Chainlink + .gov

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prophets of kek plz interpret

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Please go on.

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