Ay caramba

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>was about to post this
>duplicate file detected
based hivemind OP

it's the perfect bart pattern
I've never seen it so well defined
it's like he's staring at me from the chart user

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lol, get rekt bearfags

>Rejecting 71 AGAIN
This is like the 7th time this past week

post longs retard so we can laugh at you

Yeah, called it when the pump happened and people mocked me. Now we're seeing massive sideways action with absolutely no volume. I don't know what to tell these delusional cunts any more.


Thanks for the money I guess

You know that this kind of low volume is actually positive. Last year at the end of April it led to a 2019 ATH.

But of course the price can go either up or down. Who will win bulls or bears? I think the bulls will win because the general sentiment is bearish, exactly like it was in the beginning of 2019 and Bobos tried to short every pump and got in the end rekt. Then they called it suckers rally, but actually they missed a lifetime opportunity in 2019... and of course, they do the same mistake in 2020 again. Bears are just negative people and that is why they always fail in their trades and in their lifes.

post a screenshot of your short positions OP

>You know that this kind of low volume is actually positive. Last year at the end of April it led to a 2019 ATH.
god the delusional cope
the world is burning no one wants this garbage nothingcoin that does nothing except waste power and allow chinese nationals to avoid tax only to be unironically shot in the head 5 minutes later

I just looked around me... and I just looked at the charts... green pump.

I see Tether, FED, Gold price, a decoupling from stonks market, Trump bucks all over the world. Most countries go back to normal at the end of April. Corona is priced in Bobo!

>It will keep pumping because it already pumped
>Brief "correlation" with other assets is over
This is why you will always be poor

nope because I bought BTC when it was 3 USD, partly sold in 2017, and I will hodl the rest until 2024.

and I made a fortune during the rally 2019, which the bears called a suckers rally, exactly like they call the current rally a suckers rally... Bears like you are poor and angry and always under stress,... smoke some weed or try to meditate... bears have a tendency to get cancer.

No you didn't.
I'm not poor.
Take your reddit space and go back, newfag.


Checked and rektd

this thread is aging well

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give it a couple more hours I think you'll find it's a fine wine

user, your stop-loss has been triggered...

Interesting how you think I'm a bear because I disagree with you. I personally hope we break resistance this time so I can do some more degenerate margin trading.

absolutely rofl

literally downbarting as we speak

Im getting impatient over here. Do your fucking job you yellow freak

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this pump was only to fill the gap which it finally has suceeded. Now is the perfect setup for a dump back to 5k

Take your meds bobo

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Great, a bigger dump.

you should not trade if you see this as bearish like ever

How much energy does it take to grow cotton, transport, and convert it into cash, and redistribute it.
Isn't it just easier to get a solar panel and run your own node?

Wow, you can read minds of large groups of people through the internet huh? Yeah that'll make me take you serious for sure.

For you bobo, so that you can understand it better

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This honestly. These price movements have been extremely bullish

only that you already went short, it will dump after you get liquidated

>This honestly. These price movements have been extremely bullish
yep check out this impressive bull market we're in pic related

Attached: bullish.png (1264x757, 60.82K)

Shhh don't zoom out you'll reveal the true nature of bitcoin!