How much should a 30 year old have in savings?
$50k? $100k? $200k? $1 million?
How much should a 30 year old have in savings?
savings are for boomers.
I either make it rich by speculating and investing by 40. or I don't
fuck savings.
I live in Europe.
Savings not needed here.
>I live in Europe
>Savings not needed here
A years salary saved in cash for emergency. Good start on a 401k and a you should have your own place
cash is trash, all about assets now. no one cares about your non-compounding savings kek
A years worth of expenses is probably fine. Invest the rest.
You want to be able to absorb a job loss, unexpected expenses like a death of a family member, or loss of your car. Yeah, you can sell assets, but you'll also want to let those keep growing and they can also drop like a fucking rock. For me that might look like 20000-250000 but I haven't even hit 6 months expenses because I'm a degenerate gambler lol
How does $800 sounds?
31 boomer here. 100k$ in Link. 300$ in bank
Years salary in cash, paid off mortgage, and a decent portfolio. Networth somewhere between 150k and 600k based on if low or high cost of living area.
31 isn't a boomer retard
401k is normie/ boomer/ retard tier wealth stategy.
> but muh compound.
Its all a lie and a scam to get your money.
The only why to make it is to build a business and sell the business.
yea i shouldnt been a dipshit in my 20's
35 boomer
15k LINK
$200 in bank
40k minimum imo
T. MJ Demarco
How can you pay your mortgage off by 30?
Apartment prices are like $100k here while the average pay is $700. People take mortgages for 20+ years.
Im 26, have about $10k in savings and my monthly salary is $1k so above average here, but I won't be able to pay off mortgage so easily
Boomer is a state of mind, just like being a Nigger... like you
He's LARPing, barely any 30 year olds even have a mortgage, let alone one paid off. Unless he was born into wealth, he's a petulant larping child telling lies on the internet
do you really think someone would do that, go on the internet and tell lies?
poorfag AND reddit? oh boy
i'm 30. as of this morning:
$27.8k in savings/checking
$2.8k discretionary investment account
$10.1k 401k retirement accounts
for my age i think the rule of thumb is 1 x your gross salary in 401k, and i make $70k/yr so i'm very far behind. but this is what happens when you don't get a real career type job until you're 28-29 years old.
I've got about 8k in taxable accounts and about 40k in retirement/HSA
32 years old
Feel like I'm doing alright considering 4 years ago I had nothing
Demoralizing and stupid bait thread. Savings are retarded compared to investments and how much you need is completely subjective
Someone has no money
at least pick your own stocks
I'm 27 and have
50k in the bank
20k in 401k
10k in stonks
12k worth of PMs
why no crypto?
I think $100k in investments at around age 30 is a good target
Greece? Is that you?
So you’re just sitting on 50k cash? Why why not just stick it in a mutual fund if you don’t to manage it?