>your face when you finally realize Trump is pulling out all the stops economically to keep us out of a war
>your face when you finally realize the powers that be are clamoring for another War, but Drumpft isn't giving in, for whatever reason

a war would literally solve all our problems. If Trump isn't reelected, I think we're primed and ready for another American backed War. Kind of interesting to think about, economically

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it has already begun user, a war on the american citizen.

is this ironic shitposting? I cant tell apart the schizo drumpf posting from his actual supporters anymore

no, it's true

it is inevitable

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It's like this: I'm mostly speculating, but there's no doubt in my mind that a War would do our country a lot of good economically right now. I wouldn't support it, and I unironically think Trump is one of the most anti-war Presidents we've had in decades. Obama was undoubtedly more blood-thirsty than Mr. Drumpf, and if you deny that, I'll just laugh in your face.

I think there's still a mainstream portion of America that wants to go on thinking major media corporations don't lie to them, and they want to keep on thinking the politicians they like are good people. The are told that anybody espousing views that conflict with their own are "crazy" or "bad", and they full-heartedly buy into this belief system. You seem to be one of these people. I'm not sure when you'll see the light, or if you'll ever develop the IQ to get out of your plebeian belief system. But let's face it: lots more people are questioning things these days thanks to the internet, and not all of these people are "schizos". It's normal to question things now. You might be schizophrenic if you're NOT questioning what you're being shilled.

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So, for the GENIUSES on this thread
>he is preventing us to go in a war, WHAT A BAD MAD MAN

go to Yas Forums

What? What war? War with whom? Is this what happens to people that browse Yas Forums? So many questions that need answering.

>a War would do our country a lot of good economically right now
WW2 only helped the US because the world's industrial capacity was destroyed while ours was untouched and we were paid handsomely to rebuild it for them.

Think about being a cringe progressive democrat, supporting paedophile satan worshippers that believe that the retarded "america bully" 1970's strategy can still hold in 2020.

wow dude, yeah it's crazy. Who could we possibly go to war with right now? Definitely no other countries check that box, ha! We don't have any enemies or anybody sounding the drums. You fucking idiot.

I think you're wrong on every point you made, so we can agree to disagree

I voted for Trump.

Yes, i was talking about these retarded pricks

Name three countries that would fuck with the US. It should be easy since we have so many enemies.

Iran China Russia

next question, retard.

Who? What war are you talking about? The fuck is going on? I have never been so confused by a thread before.

Malthusian Trap

Ok, every mong you see that actually says
>Crazy man

We are about to do some shit in Venezuela.

Forgive me, I think the thucydides trap is actually more relevant

Our economics are tied way too closely with each other, retard. We would never go to war with them, and they would never go to war with us.
Topkek. This isn't the cold war you fucking moron. The entirety of Russia has the gdp of fucking Texas. Russia is fucking nothing, just because it looks big on a map doesn't make it a world superpower. Literally kys. I didn't know how bad Yas Forums had gotten until now. I actively avoid politics yet I seem to know far more about them than you. You try to come up with doomsday theories to try and give meaning to your useless existence. You are literally an npc and you don't realize it.

>Name three countries that would fuck with the US.

this has to be one of the lowest IQ posts I've ever seen on Yas Forums, but it's not actually business related so I'll give it a pass.

The point is, a war would objectively do our country a lot of good right now (oil prices, unite the workforce, incentives, jobs, etc.) and Trump actually seems to be avoiding it (which I am in favor of)

I think if we end up electing some senile old bat like Biden, we'll actually get another Democrat war-monger. Should be interesting.

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Tldr I'm a Keynesian retard and spending money on useless shit like dildos for my mum is good

yeah dude, China Iran and Russia haven't objectively already "fucked with us".

China hasn't released a deadly disease, Iran hasn't fired missiles at our military bases, and Russia hasn't postured aggressively for the last 3 decades via cold war tactics and arguably swayed American elections.

You're not worth responding to so I'm going to stop now

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Muh Russian interference! It's 2020 faggot.

>Oil prices
Are you autistic? Oil prices are cheaper than they've been in years.
>Unite the workforce
What? It would only divide people even more than they already are. Demos vs republitards constantly fighting and bitching at each other like children whether the war is good or bad.
>War would do a lot of good for the US
I fail to see how dumping shit tons of money into nothing would help the US.

Seriously, stop doubting about others IQ while being so fucking silly.
War? US never fought a real war, never.
Attacking cringe desert countries in the middle of nowere isn't properly a war.
>it could be good for economy!
Not going to answer this, do you really believe this libtard shit?

>Iran fired missiles
Heh. No American casualties dummie. That was just a big show so the Iranian government wouldn't be killed by it's people for letting the death of their General go "unpunished." Trump totally got away with killing their top general and it cost him absolutely nothing. Iran is a little piece of shit in the middle of nowhere. We could take the entire country within two weeks.
>China hasn't released a deadly disease
>deadly disease
>The Russian bots bro
These statements speak for themselves.

>Russia swayed American elections
>Russia swayed American elections
>Russia swayed American elections
Ok that's a big one

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