I am only stating what I am hearing and i find it silly so i am curious what you anons think about this

I am only stating what I am hearing and i find it silly so i am curious what you anons think about this.

Some citizens in CA are talking and they are starting to believe that covid 19 is being used to take away freedom. Theyre seriously believing this...

1) to decimate the middle clas
2)make people dependent on the government
3)observe what happens if people are forced to stay home
4) to get rid of trump
5)to see effects of pollutions

Hospitals are apparently not that busy... and are laying off workers. The virus may be real but they believe it is not as serious as the news is making it out to be.

I find this hard to believe because it would require world leaders in different countries to work together to fool their own people. For ex: Why would japan want to postpone the Olympics? Why would world leaders collude with China to fool the world?

Apparently hospitals are just listing most deaths as caused by Covid 19 even if it was a car accidental deaths if victim is tested for Covid.

Apparently cdc is telling medical professionals to list cause of any death as corona if victim is tested for covid.

They think Trump is being poltically pressured to shut down but he wants to reopen everything because he thinks everyone is a moron.

They all want to go back to work and get the country to starting again..

Las vegas has 128 deaths and 3.2 million people yet they shut down the entire state?

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It's just dumbfucks that can't see past the immediate consequences

I didn't read your reddit spacing gay shit, but my biggest takeaway from corona is that some burgers are so fucking retarded that they think something that is affecting literally the entire planet is all a hoax on America specifically.

>coronavirus is a leftist hoax to make trump look bad!!

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somebody take the bait

China pump faked us all but we can't show that we fell for the bluff or else we look even dumber.

>t. CDC employee

The small-brained leftoids try to create this straw man but nobody is actually claiming that.

The simple truth is that the complete shutdown of the entire country is utterly unnecessary and the COVID-19 solutions require state-specific solutions, even city or county-wide solutions. Some small town county in Kansas doesn't need all of its small businesses shutdown just because 1,000 niggers in New York City refuse to be quarantined.

Governors are scared shitless of making one false move, and therefore the state-wide shutdowns reign supreme. They're entirely unrealistic and I would bet MOSTLY harmful. Sure shutdowns have worked in some States, but they aren't necessary in ALL States. Nuanced, unique solutions are necessary in each State and governors/mayors/leadership are too pussy/stupid to address this properly.

>believing that the people behind the scenes are actually smarter than common people
This is the wrongest assumption of conspiracy buddies

Japan was hit hardest by the liquidity crises so yes, for sure, they are going to play along and do like everyone else.
well the USA is the leading world superpower so it isn't that crazy to imagine unorthodox methods to gain leverage against an enemy you can't win through brute force

>somebody take the bait

why is it a bait? Have you heard of Armstrong? Not only Armstrong but some people have been pointing out that Gates wants to chip the hell out of everybody in order to keep track of vaccines.

Now you will say ''muh conspiracy theory'' and then in 1-2 years you will say ''well yeah it was true after all but it isn't so bad''

This virus is serious, but this whole overreaction doesn't make any sense. If there was a correct time to overreact it was in the beginning because of the potential consequences. Even if it wasn't as serious as it is, it would have been for the best. Now, the damage is already done and what we are trying to accomplish is using a bazooka to kill a cockroach.

pic related.

Nassim taleb, armstrong and Michael are right. There are so many things that were supposed to be temporary you guys. And now they ain't. And they all've got perfect reasons to still exist. Ex: income tax. Ex 2: passports

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Honestly I'm pretty close to killing myself and I have two pets so that would be 3 deaths as opposed to the 0 if I could have just went to work and lived my life like before.

What these ignorant high school dropouts fail to see is that covid is a real thing transmitted from animals. So many diseases are from animal to human. The Government is just using this misfortunate opportunity to experiment a new idea. This always happen during war times and the actions the world took makes it feel like we are at war.

Don't do it man. Things will get better, I can promise you that.

>Niggers refuse to be quarantined
>It's the honkies in rural areas that are flipping their shit

By New York standards, that small town Kansas business was never open in the first place.

You couldn't be more paranoid my dude. Trying to form a narrative that fits your emotionally addled state.

Just check the stats if you need proof that minorities are the ones violating the quarantine rules you fucking retard. Niggers, spics and native americans are like top of the fucking list for deaths.

Just because New Yorkers have to cram 60 people into a subway cart to go to their dogshit jobs at Wendy's doesn't mean a Mom & Pop's store in Kansas, that doesn't have another store within a 10 mile radius, needs to be closed. It's not paranoia you fucking brainlet faggot, it's just common sense. Does that make sense in your little pea brain, you fucking turd?

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60 people coughing on each-other in their small apartment building doesn't equate to 60 people in Ohio that live on a 60 acre plot of land, with 1 general store amongst them. Should that general store shut down? No. Should that corner store in New York serving those 60 people that cough on each other in their sardine-packed apartment shut down? Probafuckingly.

Fucking dipshit faggot. You're the reason your grandparents are dying, not the people in Arkansas that live 30 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. Use your fucking brain.

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We are being raided by these faggots on Yas Forums too

Israel has no right to exist

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heres something you faggots dont realise- maybe they know something we dont.
we dont know infection rate
we dont know fatality rate
we dont know long term complications
i.e. the average person doesnt know shit about this and studies are all over the fucking shop still. we do know china went balls to the walls to control it. i believe 10000% it came from a biolab. maybe they know something about the long term impact we dont. im not saying thats the case but everyonr is saying "wtf these measures are too extreme" and maybe they are just knee jerk reactions but its possible they arent. its even possible they are not strict enough. we can all agree though our governments are incompetent and cant be trusted. either way, if its deadly or if its a nothingburger they have fucked us and should hang for it.

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it's one and it's having a party, but folks like you and me aren't invited.

The migapede is enraged.

>checks the stats
As if there are any.
But please, go ahead and tell me how Sioux falls is doing these days.




You didn't refute any of my points. I win the argument. Here are some stats for you. Thanks for having some fun with me tonight little guy

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You’re right, some states will be magically immune to the virus causing a global pandemic. I’m guessing Alabama and Arkansas.

not at all what I'm saying but you know that, you're welcome to try again though

>stats about death rates having anything to do with races willingness to comply with laws
if you read those articles you'd realize that those ethnogroups are disproportionately under insured, under employed, and have preexisting issues.

Try harder fuckboi, correlation is not causation.

you know the old stereotype of researchers making a big deal out of something small and insignificant to secure funding or going to a doctor with a broken toe and having to do blood tests, xrays, catscans, stool samples etc. just because they can. Its because experts are completely detatched from reality

I hope they round up all these people and throw them in cages to set an example.
In the UK Neil Ferguson (guy who made the completely bogus research paper for the government predicting best case scenario 2M would die in UK) is already planned to go to court for inciment of terror

The cognitive dissonance here in service of your paranoia is really top notch.
"Boohoo, the storm wasn't as bad as I was told it was going to be"
"I spent all this time putting out sandbags and boarding up my windows, and not a single one of my windows are broken and my house wasn't flooded"
"All my precautions prevented anything bad from happening"
"I was lied to"

The whole thing is clearly manufactured. It's 9-11 all over again. Create problem -> get the solution you want. Doesn't matter if the problem is real or not. This should be shockingly obvious to anyone with more than a handful of braincells.

see this welcome in the 20s, user. we're starting our menu with a portion of asymmetric warfare. the chef put all his efforts in enhancing the taste by adding more propaganda and desinformation. bon appetité.

post tits or other proof of your employment pleez

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and what exactly is the problem?
The virus?
Or the inability for americans to react to a virus?
Because both were manufactured.

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what paranoia?
theres a difference between being called a murderer for killing a person, and being called a murderer for killing a cat because you don't put that person in prison for over a decade if its just a cat, same idea here.

the initial and earliest model of the virus that was disseminated to governments around the world came from Imperial College and was completely bogus they made it look like it was the next black death and a lot of other private researchers with no government connections came out against its ludicrousy because it was demonstrably wrong, Imperial College made the recommendation for non-pharmaceutical intervention (stay at home bullshit) and made it look like this was the only way to prevent millions (1,000,000+) of deaths. It was so bad and obviously false that Imperial College themselves even changed their models after the fact when things were too late and half the world went into lockdown, but by now its too late.

I'm sure there will be an official investigation into this when this all blows over anyway, so I don't really care now anyway.

>theres a difference between being called a murderer for killing a person, and being called a murderer for killing a cat because you don't put that person in prison for over a decade if its just a cat, same idea here.

you just outted yourself as complete rube.

Do you not understand what a model is?
As they've been saying "All models are wrong, some models are useful"
The point of a model is to update it.
Sorry we don't live in a world where we played out the predictions of the first model, with no limitations, and no extra medical response. Then we could actually see if it was right or not.

Tell me, did you go to uni? What fucking industry are you in? Even stupid liberal arts students understand the value of a model for their sculptures made out of trash.