Non Kleros hodlers,
Why are you doing this to yourself?
Why don't you want a 50x?
Tell me why you're so stubborn.
Non Kleros hodlers,
Why are you doing this to yourself?
Why don't you want a 50x?
Tell me why you're so stubborn.
Sir kleros is very easy x200. x50 is fud.
Would you crypto fags shut up for one (1) fucking second? I know you’re all shills getting paid, but trust me dude no one wants to buy your shitty ass dinky fucking dumbass retarded coin for a whopping 0.03683537292943819252462020 a share. NO ONE. So fuck off.
Cope faggot
Don’t you have some streets to shit on, ranjesh?
That's the price it used to be, and the price it will be next month.
Cope or Rope.
Sir kleros is having many volumes to day. this is proving that many are wants to buying.
I just bought 40 bucks worth will I make it?
No. 250K is the suicide stack.
That forty american dollar will become 40,000 which is more then enough to retire here in my villages.
50x is reasonable. Sounds like some pajeet shit but when you look into it, their oracle is worth $50m alone. Not to mention jurors being paid in eth. Nearly 2300 eth given to jurors so far. It’s never been this easy.
I don't typically invest based on relative strength of use case, but more on the team (predicated on there being a use case AT ALL of course.) lucky here I'm are lucky to have invested in a project with both. I agree with your valuation of the product.
Good job son
>wrong in every thread since he got here
Which was late. You got here late. Stop shitting up our threads dumbfuck.
where to buy
sir please buy in uniswap
When we hit ten cents the fudders will buy
Ain't no mercy, got that purple Lamborghini lurkin. Don't be beggin' for your life 'cause that's a lost cause suicide boy. Make up your mind, baby, 'cause the time is here. Every day was life and death, that's when the cash came. From this point on anything we do, we do together. Forgive me for my wrongs, I have just begun...
Here in Canada, buying altcoins, rven the popular ones like monero and cardano, is a real hassle. I hate this shitty fucking country.
1st target 0.250c, 2nd target 5cents, 3rd target straight to 10c
100k suicide
500k make it
1m fuck you money
uniswap, for setting orders
numbers dont lie. we are gonna make it :)
i give kundalini sir
De FUDDERS will buy my BAGS at 10 cents ! I will be very rich soon
i don't care for the use case. seen some smart people shilling it but i've seen smart people shilling lots of stuff that ate shit.
staking coins to do e-jury duty? i don't remember the specifics but it seemed stupid to me.
ive earned 4 eth just clicking yes or no on cases ;)
how much was it in dollars per hour tho
I have 200k PNK. If PNK hits 50c then I have 100,000.
PNK has so much room to grow. It will hit major exchanges. The price will shoot up. They will form partnerships. The price will shoot up.
The price will shoot up.
I wish I was able to acquire more PNK.
To those who don't have PNK...why?
about 15 min each, its not hard to read the evidence, most disputes are very clear whos right, from the get go anyone who has done jury much did you stake and which court had the most cases?
I've got 100k staked in onboarding and a 100k staked in English language.
I feel like the general court would be the hardest to get a case in so I avoid it.
Can any PNK jurors give me some advice to get a case? I'd love to do it.
I dunno, they dont like eth shovels apparently.
And yes, its inevitable it will get in more exchanges. People will buy after when its already late to get a retirement stack
$14k volume most of which came from unswap. What a shit coin.
>he buys after it gets listed on more exchanges and volume shoots up