Another court date failure. This shit will never end well. Sell while you still can, I just finished unloading.
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imagine selling bsv
another moon is right around the corner
>satan checked
you lie tho satan...todays outcome was terrible for creg. he is going to kill himself.
if he loses it's bad for btc
bullish for bsv
Yes, but what´s new about it?
I mean lets go through it with this case: both parties claim there is 1.1 million bitcoin in the pot. Inb4 there is nothing there...; so by logic de facto (de jure not yet?, because judge atm evaded that ruling ) CSW=SN so that this case matters to anybody outside of BSV. Inb4 he aint satoshi, gtfo this thread shouldn¨t interest you. Ok, now question, did CSW act alone or is SN a team effort?)
Ira(Homonyms to anger in spanish:)) claims team effort and he wants his estranged and non biological brother Dave´s share as estate that he legally has a right to. Ok, lets go down an algorith diagramm now: Ira wins CSW has to pay up, how? either he is a teammember of SN or is SN by himself , he opens some old as wallets an hands it to Ira who dumps because the guy is normie and only understands fiat. Or CSW doesnt have the money and has to buy BTC on the open market.... BTC price likely moons past ATH. CSW wins the world now knows who is satoshi nakamoto and he can do with the bitcoin whatever the fuck he wants. Since he gave that advance notice years ago he is even SEC wise home free and can dump on BTC and therefore sucking everything that is not strong enough to stand on its own feets down the drain in cryptoland, the panic that deluvial day will be epic, pink woyaks galore, but, truth will set you free, so build up your little ark so you dont get flushed away user, see it as an insurance policy.. Or he wins doesnt dump and waits patiently for his flock to come to him, Pilate washed his hands clean, The image crucifiction did not work on him, neither the b
Either way BSV will survive, 1
Is this good or bad for link?
BSV survived at 35 before, but now BSV has at least a teammember if not satoshi himself behind them, 800+ patents, now enforceable copyright and a protocol where no dev can change the core principles anymore, not even Satoshi Nakamoto himself. Therefore making all character assasination and all other ad hominem attacks moot. At least from a technical and exponential adoption trajectory, if the protocol is used as plumbing. from a price perspective .... well from there it basically just mean a delay or not of a near certain bet. on the medium and long term I see BSV as the only viable value investment; for speculation do whatever pleases you)
oh and to the autist defense... well if he did it himself and is satoshi then he has to have certain aspie levels reaching the IQ required to invent that complex system that yet is so elegant at its core. A true work of art, I don´t mean the coding, but the abstract connections one has to make to understand the logic and then the puzzle unwinds... ah, the nostalgia I feel,.... ah wait not so genius, at least he was standing on shoulders of giants in CS before him, yet still, to connect al those dots to a picture... respects and respects to all that helped him polish it, yet not fuck it up and debase it.
Chainlink and anything build on ethereum wont survive either, first the patents and second the patents, Clients and "allies/partners" will jump ship if they see that risk outweigh costs to just change underlying protocol happened before IP4 came out victorious.
BTC might survive, but surely just as a speculation toy, not as anything serious like cash to cash transfer anymore, demonstrated it these days. Roger himself could not keep a fucking automated website open anymore, I mean what the fuck, 10 devs in Latam at 20k a year so 200k .... that site could not turnover enough to cover that, and more interesting, Roger did not have enough money for a pet project, I mean fuck Roger, thats just a Lambo a year, don¨t tell me you´re broke, you still have a few years more to go, or come over, switch sides Juda, confess and all will be forgiven. I felt you bro, that Madeleine, she is one sour cookie.
Anyway, no, no company is going to institute BTC or therefore go financially into BTC, there is just no need in normie land, BTC will always stay a niche product manipulated up to catch some gamblers and desperate normies but people dont like to get burned that often, so crypto, and likely all of crypto will slowly but surely fade away. kind of like the telegraph or stamps.
and now to those bastards that read and came here to again say he aint satoshi: he wins or loses and you can spew vitriol or deny or accept or rejoice at the ruling. As to what these outcomes will be they should be logical deduced beforehand. For me this is a clear pascals wager type of situation, if I could see it from a neutral standpoint. Insure yourself with BSV, you would go into this thread if you are not at east questioning the doubts that you have in your mind. Try the BSV apps, go down that rabbit hole whit BSV can do and imagine.
DR;SBBSV ? good on you, move along 3/3
BASED autist post
Absolutely delusional
>This shit will never end well. Sell while you still can,
I'm starting to actually believe it. What a bunch of liars.
what even happened?
can somebody give cliff notes plzs
did he sperg out in court again?
God is not amused by this faggot, it was very amusing that shit hit the fan on Good Friday for him, may he get what he deserved for being a faggot scammer degenerate scumbag kike enabling moloch worshipper enabler
i lost faith in creg a long time ago
hes just full of shit and is probably the biggest threat to BSV as a brand
the tech itself is good
if Craig has a jury trial hes fucked anyway. the guy is autistic af and the jury will hate him, he doesnt have a clue about how to deal with people. jury trials are mostly theatrics and emotionally manipulating the jury so hes fucked.
craig invented the autism defence
brought in a psychologist to translate his high iq testimony to "normies"
>I just finished unloading
i thought this was a joke did he really do this?
jesus christ what is this madman doing...
Wait, he didn't meet the court date? lmao
what was he supposed to provide again? how the fuck are his lawyers putting up with him at this point? He's going to need to find new counsel sooner or later. Jesus Christ what a fucking fraud this loser is.
I believe he was supposed dto provide those 11,000 documents that he refused to cough up because it would cause him an "undue burden" or some shit like that
I stopped reading the court papers a while ago this drama just never ends and Craig keeps digging his own hole deeper and deeper
what kind of non euclidean 12d Gomoku is this
it's unreal, everything about Craig is just him being a total sociopathic freak and muddying the water until it's impossible to tell up from down. He tries to do this in every Court case he's ever been involved in, and hopefully this time around it just won't work. There's too much at stake to let him keep getting away with this fraudulent charlatan conman bullshit.
that's amazing. The "I'm autistic" defense. Peak CSW and peak BSV.
how so?
>believing he was anything but a scammer
How on earth can you fall for this when you have access to high speed internet? Are you all clinically retarded/.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Craig Wright. The testimony is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Craig's autistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Tominaga Nakamoto literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this testimony, to realise that they're not just true- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Craig Wright truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Craig's autistic catchphrase "What people don't seem to understand is" which itself is a cryptic reference to Adam Smith's epic The Theory of Moral Sentiments. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dave Kleiman's genius trus unfolds itself on court listener. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a BCH tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
none of this irrata makes vapour ware shit coins any less vapour warish or shitty
literally beanie babies internet coupons imaginary as monopoly money
He is cleary just trying to buy time and stretch it out as long as possible. Con man that he is.
no one cares.
I dont know what you mean by that
No one cares bitch.
Low iq
Did he really. I dont blow off traffic court.
>hurr durr
>my shitlord of shit coins is such a cool guy
vapour ware shitcoins