Well Yas Forums?

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>Yas Forums - business and finance

I have never, ever visited Yas Forums and am happily married.

Stop being a fag, theres nothing to talk about

Any woman having sex ever is a total whore

Probably 5+. 4 and under is ok with you being the 4th one.

Have sex
That’s sad.

anything over 0

no hymen no diamond
bitchs lie say they fucked 3 guys but they fucked 100
also hymen restoration surgery
so unless you know her well she is lying tldr your fucked your never gonna have a good wife chad tyrone and muhammad got too them first

What connection does she have with the Trumps?

>most drastic economic events in history
>mark of the beast cryptocurrency patent by Microsoft
>chainlink destined to MOON to 10k EOY
>nothing to talk about

Anywhere from 3 to 5, not more, not less.

chances are when you meet your partner you both are gonna have multiple preveous sexual partners, so who cares.

I want kids but don't want to be married, fuck that scam


are actual adult human males.
rest of you are pathetic larpers.

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It depends a lot on how old they are. Anything double digit before 30



That's a man.

my gf had 34 sexual partners before me
we are together for 8 years now and plan to marry
her pussy is innie and still very tight my first gf was virgin and really loose so there is no vaginal difference between a virgin and a girl that had a lot of sex

keep telling yourself you are the best out of that 35

such hopeless cope

holy shit 34? this will end well.

Jesus christ how can trump live with himself? His daughter is a literal whore

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It really doesn’t matter, incels. I’ve been happily with my girl for a year now and all I know is she’s had “more than 20” sexual partners before me.

>women think only of sex and base your entire worth as a partner on it

Ahahahaha pathetic cuck.

>Women can judge men for being a virgin
>Men can't judge women for being a slut

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>Yas Forums - business and finance

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