Before long the US dollar, and many other fiats, are going to go completely digital, we live in the final days of paper currency. This is going to make basically all other crypto worthless and meaningless to all but a few autists and black market niggers who still neec a secure way to sell dope on the darknet.
crypto is dying, its partnerships mean nothing. nothing will stop the US dollar once it enters the cryptospace, even bitcoin stands no chance.
>t-theres a finite supply of bitcoin though! nobody actually cares. if they cared they would stop the federal reserve from printing infinite amounts of money >its private unless I have your wallet address, than everything is for everyone to read on the blockchian >b-but the technology again, its already over a decade old. something new is going to replace it soon >yeah well (insert shitcoin here) is gonna moon because- keep telling yourself that
Forget crypto. hold a few bags of your fav coins, sure. But trading it is a thing of the past. The real money is the Stock Market, and once the dollar goes digital the market is going to soar
>if they cared they would stop the federal reserve from printing infinite amounts of money Bitcoin is a reaction to this. It is the answer and way to stop it
Austin Morgan
shut your kike trap
Isaiah Price
Crypto in general. When purchase power is taken away from a centralized unit and spread out upon a decentralized system with an agreed upon protocol by the users, (((they))) will become powerless. Crypto is literally jewish kryptonite
Kevin Ortiz
Yeah it is, only now that the federal reserve for the first time ever has went public and said there is an infinite supply of money they can print, and that nobody gives a fuck. If normies dont care bitcoin is going nowhere You will see the light eventually, after you lose enough money and see how much money market traders make. Until then keep lying to yourself.
Ryder James
Cryptonite more like
Wyatt Hughes
>Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors have cheered U.S. plans to create a so-called digital dollar as part of a massive coronavirus-induced stimulus bill.
Asher Lee
>implying (((they))) don't already control your crypto market and manipulate it to questionably legal levels to short squeeze retards out of their cash
Liam Cruz
again, it doesn't matter, when forbes prints it boomers read it and believe it.
cryptos ultimate mistake was not being a level store of value in the very beginning. Sure, fiat ether increases or decreases in value over time. But when crypto started being traded LIKE it was an IPO on the NYSE, it became flawed. You arguably can't tell someone with good confidence and facts that when they put their money into a crypto currency that it will only increase in value, much like companies try to sell IPOs to people. Its WAY to volatile, and untrustworthy. Something like Tether is seemingly trustworthy to store your money in, because it doesn't fluctuate very much, and whatever money you put in it you also can take out later for use. And Tether has an infinite supply, as I'm sure you've heard. So Tether really just acts as the digital US dollar already.
Jason Baker
A digital currency would be the only way to effectively enforce a negative interest rate if they ever choose to do so
Hunter Foster
UBI could be the open beta testing for a digital currency
Gabriel Hill
tether doesnt close your wallet if they deem you (((unmutual)))
Once the dollar does go digital, that will be the death of most crypto currency. There will be no reason to trade it anymore, it is the ultimate convenience. I myself almost never carry cash, and use my debit card for everything. That is already completely digital. Just numbers added and subtracted from my digital bank account. Only when I go to cash out paper money from my bank it becomes physical.
Isaiah Harris
and the digital dollar would be the same way. Theres no way for a (((bank))) to control what you put in your wallets, especially if it is a local wallet on your hard drive. You're still thinking fiat vs crypto.
I'm talking about fiat/crypto vs crypto. This is obvious to everyone who will come out on top, I'm just breaking the news to you now.
Asher Jackson
There will still be btc and eth and some others. Instead of tether or other stable coins it will be government digital dollars. People won’t be owning btc or eth anymore by the time this all happens. It will be worth so much by then you can only buy futures, ETFs, and bonds. A share in a btc pool. Crypto hedge funds etc. There is room at the top and central banks see that now and are trying to get in before it’s too late.
Hunter White
>If the U.S. were to create a digital dollar it could be seen as a tacit endorsement of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, especially if it were to use bitcoin's underlying blockchain technology.
I completely agree, which is why I said hold a bag of bitcoin or whatever for the future when crypto finally does catch on, but following the news daily, trading it constantly for the very small off chance you make a lot of money, most of the time you're paying exchange fees. is cringe and a complete waste of your time and money.
I used to trade crypto daily. I was obsessed and thought it was the next big thing, and it is, just in the next 6-7 years. I became blackpilled on crypto when I started trading on the stock market,
Stock market is also extremely manipulated. The only way to win is to go along with the trend, same as anything else in life. >t. sociopath chad
Owen Cook
Yawn We already have stable coins. This won't change a single thing. The government is late to the game and this digital dollar only does what hundreds of others do but way worse, and they've been around for longer. Shit will never take off, they should have acted years ago if they wanted in.
Dominic Young
Imperial is betting on this. Can you imagine a government trying to create a digital currency? It would suck just like the checks they sent out. The government is incapable of anything except collecting taxes (which they suck at), building roads and deploying military in desert shitholes for rich families to get money for arms contracting. No, the government will use and switch to a digital currency that is inflationary and adjustable to growth.
Hunter Reed
the dollar is already digital
Dylan Ross
will you be me gf? pls i will do anything. I WILL BE ANYTHING. JUST LOVE ME
Kayden Jones
ok user
I love you, and care about you. I hope you have a good nights sleep because I'll be dreaming about you.
Julian Martin
that's a man
Adam Flores
This. Imagine being a slave to the digital dollar and forfeiting the freedom to spend your money however or whenever you want. The digital dollar means you no longer have any control or posession whatsoever of your money. Good luck trying to hide or stash that shit and god help you if your good goy points are low.
Nicholas Reed
>This is going to make basically all other crypto worthless stopped reading right there
Cameron Morales
You will not and cannot be loved, you need to accept it friend.
Jeremiah Walker
that was the main reason why i never bought into bitcoin
i thought how long till governments just make their own stable coins.