Worst investment you ever made?

I'm talking terrible ideas, lost money, bad investments basically anything you sunk value in with a shitty pay off.

I'll go first. At the height of btc/crypto in jan 2017 I finally jumped in after being hit with major fomo and sunk 8k into everything. Eth majorly dropped from around ~1400 to 1000 and I bought 8eth. I was lucky because I still only invested what I thought I could lose and don't really have regrets.

The other thing is I spent 2 years of college for 0 pay off and dropped off cuz it was a waste of time. Instead joined the military and got a degree for free and have been saving ever since.

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I bought chainlink, tezos and kyber right before the march 11-12 dump. Now I'm just a bag holder that will most likely never recover his money.

how much you throw in

Bought land in the middle of Montana, some guns and ammo, a bunch of food, meds and other supplies, a large propane tank to get me through a winter, some solar panels and internet. But I sit here on my throne of things and realize I pissed my life away preparing for the end of civilization and forgot to enjoy life along the way. I might survive The Happening (if it ever happens), but I never really lived.

during the crash in the beginning of 2018 i deposited like $250 into a shitty exchange called tradeogre to buy a shitty coin called trtlcoin. i didn't (and still don't) have a lot of money to invest so why not try to hit some gold.

i kid you not the exchange literally misplaced my decimal so instead of like .02 btc it showed that i deposited .2 btc. that was a surprise and all but of course i put all of it into mf trtlcoin.

well, trtlcoin started to moon and at one point i think i was at like 15k. i thought about taking it out but this shit was the new dogecoin. it was a different time back then, you had your and coins and your crypto kitties and your ponzi schemes. alas, it crashed to basically nothing. i cut my losses and withdrew the $100 that i had left.

i was pretty much all in LINK and ARK during the bullrun while they underperformed everything

After doing two months of research, lurking biz and reading every thread, learn how exchanges works, opening accounts on coinbase, and so on, I finally decide I'm ready to step into the magical world of crypto, the day of the Lord 3 January 2018. I had 300$, and lost everything but 30$ in the crash that happened in the following two weeks

Of course it's not that much money but I was a poorfag student at the time, who needed to pay rent and shit, so it wasn't fun at all.


Lel I remember it being shilled here
Why is this place completely incapable of giving honest good advice, why everyone is always trying to backstab everyone in order to earn just a couple more bucks

I bought Chainlink for $1.13, what a fucking waste of money. Yeah, I made a bit of profit but the risk was way too high for a worthless premined shittoken scamcoin.

My worst investment was to not drop every single penny I had into link when it was 20 cents

I bought COSS and XLM at the top...

investing in myself

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If you're alone you won't last long, the most important resource in case of a major happening is unironically friends and family.

Nobody here has those...

I bought the Female Health company, they make female condoms. They had all these big government contacts for poor 3rd world countries. 300,000 condoms every few months. The governments were giving them away for free brith control. I think those governments figured out the scam and all the contracts ended.
Who has even used one of these?
How effective was this population control?
Lots of African and South America countries were buying them.
What was I thinking on dropping 5k on this at $2.50 a share.
The only female condoms from this company I saw for sale was at a thrift store.

holding to 12k or 12 gauge

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Put 50k into crypto from a retirement account . Ran it up to over half a million and lost it all on shitcoin alts and ponzi scheme exchange website that ran off with the money. I cashed out maybe 20k total.

Not selling REQ at $1.

Buying shitcoins in 2018.

Not buying more LINK at 20 cents.


Slowly going all in ARPA on binance because i know what the next NEO looks like and I am NOT FuCkiNG SELLING.

Have you ever used a female condom or heard of anyone who has? Nobody likes regular condoms, let alone some weird coochie condom. Your investment was all kinds of dumb

>poor people using birth control ever
>poor people PAYING MONEY for birth control
>trying to turn a profit on humanitarian aid
>betting on people to change their behavior rather than selling them something that enables their current behavior

You just fucked up all over the place, and I don't understand how you didn't see it coming

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I bought a stereo out of the back of a van in a parking lot. I paid $500 and it was useless. God damn they were fucking confidence men though. Was 19 with too much money. Lesson learned.

Wow. It will get there again eventually but fuck man.

you'd have made it if you dropped 8k on ETH in jan '17

>Bought land in the middle of Montana, so that I might survive "The Happening".
Yellowstone Erupts.

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my friend once bought a classic car on which the head gasket blew and the gearbox seized literally by the time he'd driven it 0.5 miles home.
i on the other hand spent 2 grand on btc in 2011 and felt like a hero upon selling it for a 50% ish increase. sigh. know it doesn't quite fit with what you're asking op, but this is a significant one regardless, and you can add literally hundreds of failed altcoins to that in the last 9 years too.
my parents bought a house which had 50 grand knocked off the sale value because some obese, hyper-moronic cunt next door insisted on filling the place with 9,000 decibel micromutts. that almost had me arrested for murder - after losing literally 2 years of sleep one night i exploded and in my rage i threatened to rape and crucify her daughter if she didn't shut the fucking things up. hm.
what else. i dunno. everything i suppose, 'cause i'm broke.

> December 2017
> Hold Chainlink
> Every shitcoin moons, except chainlink
> Selling my 100k Chainlink stack at 0.52$
> Buy 70k REQ stack at $0.72

The REQ stack is worth $5k now.
The Chainlink stack would be worth $350k.
Life is funny sometimes.

I bought World of Warcraft TGC card packs when I was making $5.25/hr working at EB Games.

Pretty sure you meant Jan 2018 OP, 2017 was nowhere near the top and just heating up.

Anyway, I think in 2018 i dropped a grand on APPC because I'm fucking retarded. My friend went in with me becasue I had been right about everything I told him leading up to the that. We still joke about it today and i still have the stack somewhere. its worth like 9 dollars

like 25k lost on dude weed, live and learn.

I bought $100k worth of bitcoin @ $11.5k. Sold @ $4k.

>You just fucked up all over the place, and I don't understand how you didn't see it coming

You forgot the topic of the thread, user. I am sure the dude realises the idiocy.

Elaborate? I lost a good amount of money on pot stocks, but I am very bullish on CRON and Aphria

>be me 2 years ago
>be 19
>father dies, get 3 million usd inheritance
>feel shit because of his death, so start browsing the web
>eventually land on Yas Forums
>lighten up thanks to the memes and think it's time to do something and put the money to work
>start shrimp farming. Takes me 6 months to set everything up, by then shrimp market was dead. Down to 2 million
>start fright brokering. Lose another million usd
>only have one chance left. Make a serious thread on Yas Forums and ask for genuine advice
>buy holo
Overall meme quality of this board still 6/10

when you're retarded and watch forest gump