Idena Discussion General

OP from the other day back here again, hoping to get a feel for sentiment with Idena. Aiming to keep the discussion honest and objective, not emotion based or low quality. Proof of Human is genuinely interesting to myself and obviously others, and I feel we are being ushered into the decade of digital identity, especially with Bill Gates ID2020.

-Trustless, truly decentralized
-AI resistant (with Winograd test)
-UBI in crypto
-Easy mining, novel consensus method
-Built from the ground up in Go, anyone can submit code, active development
-Network growing fast
-Low mcap, high upside if it succeeds
-Lack of other or many usecases/not yet defined this early
-user devs
-Fairly dubious premine
-Early miners received massive rewards (same with Ethereum and Bitcoin though)
-Low liquidity/volume (token listing originally planned for Q3 on a bigger exchange)
-Shitty chink flips potentially killing identities in short session
-1 node not guaranteed to be a single entity (which is impossible with current tech without KYC and PII)
-Memed with 8 cores by a 13 year old

Attached: 1 [email protected] (723x639, 37.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If it happens then it would be big

idena is a scam

Pros: Decenteralized Identity layer for ETH. Nothing proposed yet compares or has even made it out of the concept stage. Once you understand this you can see why this not only the new Chainlink mega moon, but something even bigger.

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Well that convinces me. Thanks Ranjeesh!

Also just wanted to add there are abysmal projects that are shilled here all the time. I'm not sure why IDENA with it's functioning product and active development has been held to the fire the way that it has from biz. This is honestly the most excited I have been about a project since BTC itself.

It was spam shilled here for one day and general opinion changed. I think some people have been too enthusiastic with the shilling (which has been pretty low tier at times) and it’s come across as pnd pajeet-y. I’ve been in since the OG thread and there were maybe 1-2 slow moving threads a day. The network has been growing at a solid pace either way.

This is biz. There's nothing but spam shills here and that's what I like about it. If brainlets get bothered by that they can just go back to r/cryptocurrency like the massive faggots they are.

Attached: 20200416_003040.jpg (1067x1642, 970.86K)

The plebbitfication of this board has been disgusting.

Keep biz racially diverse, let the pajeet shills stay.

Try to convince me cryptoUBI isn't the next defi type big thing.

Bug off you pathetic scum!

seventy percent premine

This thread is not for newfags. Leave

>human-centric blockchain

Yas Forums sucks ass these days except for Yas Forums. You guys are funny af. Never change.

20k DNA = 1.000.000 in 2024

Yeah lolz

I literally got virus notifications from my antivirus booting my node on the last two updates. No fud.

Sirs, when moon? :)

Attached: 15E3F6A5-DF48-4873-B07C-F70751A7DD9A.png (1100x700, 67.49K)

Most based lowcap there is currently

this is interesting desu

Genuine question: Can't it be copied by ethereum devs on eth 2.0?

DNA wont be around by 2024

no u

Attached: vitalik-andrew.png (888x1023, 699.12K)

Faggot, you won’t be around in 2024

I understand, will eth 2.0 be not efficient enough to support the short session? As in less network congestion

be honest with me, is the FUD on this like us linkies during 2018 to keep price low and reddit fags out , im running a node atm only started today

the only way to answer this question is my spending time researching the project, if you keep making decisions based on randoms opinions on an user board, how do you expect to succeed? Srs user.

I was heavily fuding a month ago for better mining rewards

i made 100k from investing in chainlink thanks to this board and lil bits from the vidt/lto/vidt pumps , listening to you legendary smart retards on this board has lifted me out of wageslavery almost so far so yeah ill keep listening bro

You're a retard to not run a node
Free money