imagine thinking you need that much info to pick the right one
Matthew Bell
>markets closed >futures closed >4 threads up what a shitshow
Andrew Martin
> >I used to always put in stop loss orders. >It was just part of the trade. >I would enter a trade and then immediately put in a stop loss order. >It was as second nature to me as slipping my little pinkies into soft slippers before touching the hard, cold, tile on the bathroom floor in the morning. >But I was getting stopped a lot so started to pay more attention. >I would watch my stop loss order being filled then, in pure and utter amazement, watch the price reverse course and take on the characteristics of the Dukes of Hazzard running from Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. >I was immobilized with a feeling of a bride left at the altar. I was just as angry as the aforementioned bride would have been so I set out to answer the question: What the heck was happening? >Here is Bruce Robinson’s response when I posed the question to him (Bruce is also a personal friend of Howard Bandy’s ). >“Early on, I did quite a bit of testing with stop-loss orders (and trailing stops as well). My conclusion was that they hurt the results of the vast majority (almost all) trading systems, or resulted in over-fitting of stop parameters. So, I decided not to use them, and not to incorporate the option into systems. I later confirmed this with others. Howard (Bandy), for example, also says that they almost always hurt performance. >Please note the above statement is talking about perfectly executed stops where: >-other participants such as brokerages or ECN’s did not have knowledge of stop points >-stops were triggered by executed order prices >In practice, stops perform even worse because the above two conditions do not hold true.” >I’m sure I’m getting some head nods in agreement, however, I’m just as sure there are more out there ready to tar and feather me who still believe stop losses are as necessary as the air you breathe. If you are in the latter category, please read on.
This. Literally put $10,000 in anything that isn't shit meme garbage and you'll probably make 20% by the end of the month.
Charles Butler
Justin Gomez
Are you sure about that? I wanna pull the trigger on it but I’m kinda worried
Henry Ross
BASED Lisa Su. Does she talk shit about China at all? Her being a Taiwan Chad, of course.
Thomas Jackson
>Is he right? He is right. I have come to similar conclusions backtesting my own TA. The stop losses don't add any advantage mainly because when your stop hits it's usually going to be near low of day at the worst possible place to sell. However, there are two important uses for stop losses I still regularly utilize. 1. Say I want to sell at open for some reason, maybe worried about a bad news release that came out after hours, but I don't want to sell if stock decides not to respond to that news. So I put the stop a little below the previous day's close and see what happens. 2. When trading high risk shit I have zero fundamental faith in. I'll trade dumpster fires but those get the stop loss treatment always.
One caveat: if you're a beginner trying to swing trade but also subscribe the to TA is bullshit and doesn't work mentality. If you fit that description, use a goddamn stop loss. The whole point of TA in practice is to get an idea of trend likely to continue (so buy) or trouble might be brewing (sell a portion or all). If you do not use a stop and you have a bad system for making entry and exit decisions, you may ride a bearish trend all the way down and panic sell it way lower than you would if you had set a stop to begin with.
If I set stop losses I would have lost gains because it's always bounced back and is very hard to get back as low as I originally did. Sure oil, stocks can be sold at a small loss and be grabbed for cheaper, but I guess it depends on the industry.
John Nelson
Excellent animu car webbum! It takes a few business days for funds to move to brokerage account. Consult broker for more specific number. In my experience around 3-4 is usual.