What was the absolute worst ICO you bought back in the day?

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I typed OP, I meant user. I'm drunk. What is your absolute shit show buy? For my it was Bloom. Stanford grads blah blah... $40m raised and they did made a data capture app.

I was a fool, user. Bags not even worth selling.

Xtcc don't judge me

That's a man.


>can still smell it


holy shit remember shipchain? Telegram pajeeted through the roof

You needed 25k to buy in I remember. This was at the peak of the mania. Didn't turn out to be a massive fucking con shipmate?

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Either Tierion TNT with roi of -75%.
Or Blockarray ARY which is unlisted now.

Those were the days of "whitelists" and feeling like you were special by being allowed into an ICO.

Those Bloom goys got me good. I was "whitelisted" to buy into this decentralised credit scoring thing they were building. They hyped it pretty good in fairness to them.

Months later snooping the founder's Linkedin I discover he sold light up YOLO hats at EDM parties. And listed it on his Linkedin like an achievement.

What a fool I was.

>when you see her midriff

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Copytrack, naga

shipchain just pumped like 300%



made 17x though. but it's still a massive shitcoin

Invacio :(

disgusting tattoos I know

Never bought one not gonna lie, I was a Decemberfag

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I only ever bought one ICO - Tron. I bought like 20 bucks worth and it became 400 dollars....Kinda wish I bought more

almost bought conventment lel, name should have tipped me off


>muh MIT team of geniuses
>muh all American team

Funny lstt is they were forced to reimburse their investors by the SEC a month or two ago

Conventment, was supposed to be used for marijuana payments in stores that can't accept cards. Im pretty sure I never received the tokens.

Larkin is kino, shame about the stomach tattoo though

Who is she?

Centra. Lol.

ah fuck larking used to be so fucking hot

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Larkin Love

God shes perfect


I put like $15k into axpire
It literally almost perfectly top ticked the market
Got some for 7c and some for 10c
Dont think it ever traded above those levels, possibly for a week before it plummeted with everything else in Jan 2018

Probably pic related. I even got away with small profits.
Also BlockArray. Hi Sam!

Upfiring UFR

Saddest part: I bought early in the pump. Held tight through the ATH and rode the crash back down. Coulda made thousands, instead it's worthless.
I learned some things about myself with that one.

Filk, total scam.

Ethbet but managed to sell at slight profit. Lost 3 eth on etherflip and lost like 0.3 bch on pinkdate exit scam

>he doesnt know larkin love
Confirmed for being a faggot

Coinmetro XCM slavshit scam. Never even touched 12 cents ICO price