Are we breaking out?

what the fuck is this shit?

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I sold. This is like the 6th time we're hitting this top already.

the shit is this, bobo -- you're a fucking piece of shit and you will burn in hell

look like a short squeeze

its just filling in the gap before it dumps again on monday

you bears better be right about this

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cme have been closed for hours

scam pumps to try to scare me into closing my leveraged shorts. gotta try harder arthur

It's a bull trap the S&P 500 is supposed to go down to 1500 soon

looks like more and more bobos are taking their meds

daily look bullish as fuck tho

Funny how all the coins literally move in the same pattern as BTC. Almost like there's just an illusion of choice and independence.


>he's holding leverages
Kek, enjoy ADL

>lower lows and lower highs
Yeah I’m thinking we’re gonna see 6500 again next week

ooooooooo bears pushing, we might close the daily bellow the 50 Ma
5 minutes to go 9

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and fail
good try but bots are gonna buy now

So how much are you down my bearbros?

I have a 13k put option that was in the money by about $7, now worth about $1.5. I'm devastated.

I also have a large short position that broke out right after I got it.

i love you

this post did NOT age well


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golden cross, sorry bobo but it's time for the bullrun

Isn't it kind of strange that literally all of the cartoon mascot memes you see have 3 white circles written into their pupil?

Its because they are just pepe edits.

my acne is under control user

Yeah, it's because its just the pepe edits

last weekend all you bobos were sure it was going to dump monday open and look where we are now

What do Jews have to do with this? Why are you all obsessed with Jews and niggers?

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What the fuck are you talking about? Adl = auto deleverage
A bullshit mechanism that punish holding for several days during volatile movements. Learn how shit works lad.

I dunno what you guys are referring to, i'm just betting on the American economic collapse as a whole.
Go Team!