Any Lads TRULY Happy in their Career Field?

What field? Why or why not?
I work in social media and have a pretty good Data position.

>Networking is insane. So many opportunities for new careers, advertising, hook ups, etc
>Pay is pretty good
>Have a collection over 8TBs of influencer's public and private content
>The work itself is pretty rewarding and challenging
>Benefits are and other options are solid
>Normie/clout chaser city
>Extremely long hours (60+ hour work weeks were the norm before the Rona)
>Gossip and drama fuels everyone there
>Desensitized to pretty much anything related to women since I see hundreds to thousands of influencer content per day
>Feel like I'm wasting my life following hashtags, trends, and dealing with snakes and clout vampires day in and out. Just dont fit in

Curious to how you lads feel about your current field. Don't have to be super descriptive.

Attached: video-KM7EOltsoeIgNGJT (1).webm (640x780, 2.21M)

That's a man

you're a man

When a woman takes a video like this and it ends up public, was it always intended like that or did someone leak it?
Basically what I'm saying is, why would this girl post this video in public ?

Engineering is superior field in every way

"Social media" is literal cancer

All women are _____

That's a whore

>work in social media
>networking is insane. So many opportunities.

Attached: IMG_5780.jpg (809x853, 159.34K)

He's a man

Mid 30s early retired NEET with an ok portfolio and qt gf.
>unlimited time to do whatever I want

I'm a trap (male to female)


>cons: Contributing to the soul death of humanity

yeah not worth it I’d say


What type of engineer, lad?

Thats not a leak, lad. She posts it for more followers, more retweets/posts for recognition, more comments, more likes, etc. That's insanely tame for what I usually post and have.

I may share some of my collection in this thread like I do in BAT threads, but for now I kinda want to see if we can get some serious replies coming in.

Attached: 90743775_148601353135640_8213500663299056305_n.jpg (1080x1129, 138.77K)

>IT guy
>At company for 5 years
>Automate a lot of old processes and document everything
>Not really much to do anymore, help with troubleshooting
>Boss starts giving me tedious busy work just so it he doesn't look bad to higher ups
>got fired
>Realize I can make more money on my own with what I've been doing (Made 15K since I was fired in november)
>Still apply to jobs anyway
>Every place says "Lol we went with other candidates"
>Hate this feeling of "I need someone else's approval to make a living"

That's a featherless biped

Thanks for stopping by, lad.

Pretty based. Why the shame?

Thats been in gear long before I started working in social media, lad. I do think about it time to time though.

those dead/deflated eyes reflect how many cocks she's sucked. she knows her only value is from her youth, and that it'll be over soon. sad.

Civil work. most rewarding with variety and good pay if your willing to relocate and smart enough to negotiate a good employment agreement

>>Realize I can make more money on my own with what I've been doing (Made 15K since I was fired in november)
That's pretty based. Are you still making steady money with all this shit going on?

That's legit, lad. Props. How long have you been in the field?

you're a man

Most influencers at her level just stay inside, travel, and have all day to do massive amounts of drugs. She's been one to have to be on something to do a lot of her content.

So far yeah, daily profit has been consistent, and I can work in my comfy home office, but part of me is worried about how taxes are gonna work for me next year.

Post your ass

Based & menpilled

Based bat thotposter. Please post more rare angies

I’m the man

Yes. I'm truly happy every day.
I'm a professional NEET, soon to be promoted to Senior NEET position.

I just sleep, eat, watch animu, read books and trade shitcoins and stonks. Sometimes my gf comes over and I fuck her.

Sounds pretty legit. Best of luck to you and hope the money keeps coming in. Been looking for IT jobs myself lately and trying to use this time to get a few certifications but so far no luck.

Junior Civil/Geotechnical Engineer (Consulting/Design)

>its actually fucking easy, im rarely stressed out
>boomers think im a wiz kid for knowing how to use CAD and VBA
>work is legitimately important and of high consequence
>company gets a lot of cool international projects
>pay is more than enough for my minimalist lifestyle
>I work 40 hours and never more
>no drama workplace
>desk job (having worked physical jobs yes this is a pro)

>its a job that still takes up too much of my time
>cant work in a t-shirt
>kind of expected that you should get a masters to work in more technically challenging stuff

>I just sleep, eat, watch animu, read books and trade shitcoins and stonks. Sometimes my gf comes over and I fuck her.
Based and I'm enviouspilled.

Too lazy to comb through HDs, but I'll post a few I can find. Just ask me in a BAT thread for more. I dropped a Patreon set not too long ago in one.

Attached: d5839122-27fc-486a-9e9d-69e8974f1982 (1).webm (480x852, 1.66M)

also forgot the biggest con of all. Having to be chargeable for almost every hour when you work in consulting.