Hey there kiddo, why don't you have a house yet?
Hey there kiddo, why don't you have a house yet?
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im waiting for my boomer parents to die so i can inherit here house,...
oh wait,.... all of my grandparents and my parents were too fuckin poor and stupid to actually buy, own and hold property so i get to inherit jack shit
20 years old. Have everything saved up but can't get a loan since I have no credit.
nice condo you old fucks. The last thing you will see is a nigerian nurse putting a pillow over your face
>hehe, nothing personal old man
Do young people seriously think they would have done anything differently if they had been a "free ride" generation like the boomers? Or is it just jealousy that other people had it better?
don't generalize everyone
ill have enough to completely pay off my mortgage this year.. 36 and bought it with20% down 3 years ago, then my plan is to save for a bigger house down payment and rent this bitch out since its small and near a university
nigga im on Yas Forums.
I'm offering you 50% off for your house. but you won't take it.
None of them will
It’s the entitlement attitude and it’s going to doom an entire generation. Nice thing is if you actually hustle you can crush it and take names because everyone else is just sitting on their ass waiting for a handout
Right the small subset of individuals who don’t play victim will succeed
I’ll purchase yours from your estate for pennies on the dollar after you get the Chinese virus
I wouldn't have wasted my child's inheritance on fucking cruises, I can tell you that much.
I'll probably be 50 when my parents die. And I'd have to talk with my brother about what to do with the house. So even if I waited for that, I'd be past middle aged.
>kill parents
>have house now
Sucks to be the eldest kid when firstborn rule is taken away and you're much older than everyone else when you inherit.
user I don't hate my parents. No divorce, provided a comfortable suburban middle class life for me and my brother.
im one of those who had to work for everything and i'm doing fine.
and i'm not waiting for any hand outs.
im ok with it because i know what it takes to survive and i have a keen sense of value on what's important and worthwhile and how to save and be responsible
my parents don't have crap and never did. no help whatsoever. its neither here nor there.
it only irritates me a little sometimes when i see other people who have responsible parents who helped there kids get a good start and thereby the kids get ahead of me faster in some cases.
but i dont care im taking care of myself anyways.
but it does piss me off sometimes that some people get shit handed to them even though they dont seem to appreciate it and are often shittty people that dont seem to deserve it,, while i work my ass off for everything.
I'm the younger brother. My brother is 3 years older. My dad had him at 29 and me at 32.
Good job. Consider renting it out like a bnb if you live in an area where it would work.
I actually like that most people my age are borderline financially illiterate. Gives me more ability to seize opportunities.
This. The boomerpocalypse will never help most young people since they have no savings to speak of and too much debt. Only a small portion will be ready while the rest are too busy complaining about how daddy didn't do enough for them.
Probably would of done the same honestly BUT older generations were born into a stable ethnically homogeneous country where nuclear families existed. They threw away literally everything while they still had solidarity with their kin. It easy to explain the selfishness of new generations, there is no civic unity because we are just a mystery meat economic zone instead of a country now. But back then what was the excuse for the rampant short sightedness. Seriously what trigger flipped.
If you happen to be in Austin, TX and it's near UT, if you rent it out like is talking about you will make a fucking fortune in the future. Good on you either way though.
Fuck you. You deserve nothing. You will remain poor.
Punk rock gen X skateboard loser here. Fucked off for decades. Bought 1st house with 3k down in early 2000's, 125K. Sold it 4 250K. Bought next house, 270K and sold it 410k. Moved to a cheaper state, bought house 125k cash, done. Back to fucking off. Buy a house.
Lamo, just wait until real estate crashes 50%+ and that home equity you thought you were gonna retire on vanishes. I'll be taking your keys and your daughters.
Because I didn't work hard enough and didn't pick myself up by the bootstraps!
I plan to buy by October, actually.
I have a 375 USD pay per month.
ill take yours, when you die
>buys your house for pennies because you were over leveraged
>impregnates your daughter
>repossess your Harley
>cancels your cruise
>your doggo bites your leg and calls me master
Heh heh nothin personel
>It’s the entitlement attitude and it’s going to doom an entire generation
The boomers started shitting on younger generations first.
That's natural; the older generation's been shittalking the younger generation continuously since the ancient Greeks. The difference being that with millennials there's been a complete lack of banter or back and forth or any sort of youthful rebellion. Seeing shitty people for what they are doesn't disqualify you from "hustling" too but it does allow you to learn from their mistakes; either millennials or zoomers can do that or the generation that follows them can do a course correction.
Don't worry about it. Even if they were smart enough to own they would just do what my boomer parents did and take all the equity out of their home so they could take frequent trips to Italy and Mexican tourist resorts in the last years of their life. They were always selfish cunts so I let my mom die in a nursing home without ever visiting her.