If not, the rocket is taking off!!!!!! MOON!
You guys did buy the bottom right?
Pls mr.bull penetrate my ass
dead cat bounce
>missed the bottom 3 times
This is why I will always be poor
Stocks are overvalued atm
Enjoy your Fed fueled Ponzi
still not too late for you, buy on monday before it really explodes you can still make a nice profit
Made way more than that by buying bitcoin's bottom but now that I've reached my accumulation benchmark I'm thinking of swing trading stocks again for more sats. There's a lot of overvalued shit at this point but I know how to tell what is and isn't.
>You guys did buy the bottom right?
Yeah. I bought options and leveraged etf at the bottom. I've recently been selling them to buy regular stocks.
Dead cat bounces don’t last for weeks retard. You missed the bottom
what should I buy?
what should I buy
What options are a smart buy? I’ve lost so much money on call options in the past
bitcoin has been following the stock market for a while now. Guess what's going to happen on monday. You know what to do.
First everyone fled the stock market to cash. Then the money printer started and everyone wanted to flee from cash...but where? Physical gold was gone from the shelves, paper gold is just a speculative asset and bitcoin seems too risky if you haven’t read up on it yet. So the cash had nowhere to go but back into the stock market they had just fled.
The conclusion is not that the virus is over and markets are doing great. The conclusion is that markets are now broken, but cash is even more broken, so the market is going up while the economy is going down. When the real market crash comes it will be because the penny drops that a crazy bull market is in fact even more broken than cash and everyone will flee again. This time, they may even have had time to figure out how to find gold or, more realistically, how to buy bitcoin. “Shitcoin?!” You scoff. “Realistic”. Well, bitcoin is currently less broken than both stocks and cash, especially after you ruined the stock market with your anti-realist stock market. Face it. You treated the stock market like your own charicatures of bitcoin, “it’s worth what we say it is worth” “what fundamentals?” “it’s a store of value”. Bitcoin at least has a blockchain, the stock market when treated as a store of value network has fidelity and robin hood to prop up the entire value of the stock market.
Good luck, bulls. I am all in cash and bitcoin since the crash, and haven’t even been tempted to buy back my 95% stock position that I had before the crash.
It's going to finally decouple and crash
Sorry, “ruined the stock market with your anti-realist bull run”*
Essentially, this is what the stock market crash and recovery looks like to me. War breaks out in a country and people try to flee (this is the red lines). But after a while it discovered no other country will accept the refugees, so they have no choice but to return home. “Recovery!”, screams Yas Forums at the green line and concludes that the war must be over.
Let’s hope so because that is the decoupling that will allow btc to soar when the markets crash.
I bought, TQQQ, visa, uber and Planetfitness with 2 year expiry.
Uber and Planetfitness did extremely good. Visa and TQQQ were alright but I haven't sold most of of it because I still have a year or two left on expiry and even if they die at zero, I lose no money because I sold at 100% to 200% profit.
Just grab like visa, longterm you won't have to worry.
Overvalued? How? They are 15% cheaper than ATH. They are in discount right now and everyone failed to buy them at 40% discount. When will you rebuy? +10% ATH price?
You will stay poor forever.
i bought $5000 worth of JCP stock today on a hot tip. get in before it soars
your understanding of the market is so rudimentary, yet you write this wall of bullshit as if you know what you're talking about.
Yes they do faggot
It’s not that complicated. And he’s right.
Price to earnings, price to gdp
He's right. The risks associated today is more than it was at its ATH 2 months ago on businesses but investors are looking at future value than today's value.
Better question is are you selling the high right now?
Trips checked, based, and redpilled. I hope you make it.
No he's not. He's right about the fact that everything is going to shit, but all his other points are literally "baby's first investment" tier. Now by all means invest your money based on a flawed and oversimplified understanding of how the market works. It's your money after all.
The world economy is going to collapse in a few months.
Its so obvious that I think most of you are on full denial mode.