In all my years on biz I've never seen so much sweat equity spent

On fudding a project with a low marketcap, that's only on a small exchange, with a working product and has active development going on. I wonder why

Attached: 1_rXBJtPsGZsNLl3uEfSHiYg.png (600x600, 37.38K)

Idena is a scam

Thank you for the needful Sir, please come to Mumbai and we will praise Vishnu in designated street.

Attached: 1586207083775.png (1100x700, 67.49K)

this is your ceo now

Attached: VincentAdultman.gif (440x245, 828.18K)

Only proving OP's point. I just assume these are all newfags who have only "mined" some centralized shitcoin that has a mining app on Google play like Pi network.

you also "mine" idena pajeet, now go back to making captchas

Our God is an awesome God

Attached: 20200413_122840.jpg (640x579, 339.19K)

Idena is not centralized faggot

70% of tokens being owned by anonymous developers is already a good enough reason to never, ever, ever touch any projects with such an unfair allocation.

By the way, the more you post, the more people learn about how scummy this entire project is. You're not helping your cause by shilling this shit daily.

Idena is a scam

idena is way too extra and the more pajeets involved the worse the stories got. it's a cool idea but i left it.

It's as if Ethereum didn't have a substantial premine or Satoshi didn't mine his BTC at zero difficulty. Try harder newfag.

Idena is a scam

Literally every coin since Bitcoin has a premine faggot. Devs have also been glued to their computers and release client updates at least once a week. Slowly proving their worth but pretty much everyone that’s in this has liked what they’ve seen so far desu

the number of people low quality fuding this is hilarious

The real pajeets are these fudding faggots. Pretty funny how Manesh, Sanjay and Ranjeet have managed to spam this thread so quickly around the same time.

Bitcoin effectively had a premine as well. Satoshi mined his BTC at zero difficulty. The hubbub over premines is fairly dumb majority of times.

This samefag always disappears when his bullshit gets BTFO.

DNA is the new LINK. All fudders are seething linkers

idena top 150 EOY

Why yes, I do FUD my own investment.
What gave it away?

Attached: 123456789.jpg (499x615, 21.2K)

I know of 2 dedicated Link marines who got in DNA with a decent position.

it was even worse for pi network

i wonder why

No it wasn't. Don't compare that piece of shit with DNA

kinda this. pi just doesn’t seem to have a purpose. there’s never intelligent discussion, it’s just spamming links hoping someone will use yours. idena at least makes sense from a concept pov. with pi, it’s not traded, people have been mining by pressing a button once a day on their phone, the trade contracts that everyone is creaming over aren’t even actually real/not legally binding or anything. with idena you can at least read what it’s trying to achieve and what it’s doing to get there. I just don’t understand Pi.

the fuck is that, piss of wanker with your mobile phone shit token thats not even on a blockchain

i can sell mu idena now on qtrade if i want. pi is just a game

yeah but it wasnt seventy fucking percent

the rage of the indians

if you have 20 to 100 posts a day shilling a retarded project, you start to just post scam as the pajetness is getting out of hand

Sergey owns 70% you fucking moron