if there are any Yas Forumsnessmen left on this board, we need to ramp up scatposting and goreposting considerably.
this thread has demonstrated the sheer amount of disgusting redditors and tourists that are on this board.
Is this bullish?
Go ahead and show me. Show me where your have concrete rights that contradict the powers the state and federal governments have.
You really think that matters? An executive order in either the state or the federal government doesn't care what the bill of rights says. It's not "illegal" for the government to do it. "Unconstitutional" has basically no meaning as well, why would the government care what is unconstitutional when it has the power it's been given from countless bills and acts throughout the years?
This is the reality of government today. If you think the Bill of Rights represents your actual rights that can never be taken away, you're delusional.
I don't agree with it, but it's just the reality of the situation.
Your arguement is invalid
This shit was pretty common.
I will never understand Q cultists
These are cope responses. Just pointing out that yes, on a fundamental basis, this isn't in line with the Constitution or American traditions. But yes, the government has certainly capitalized on extraordinary times to institute extraordinary measures before, FDR made that a hallmark of his Presidency.
It's even funnier once you understand the origin of Q
>LIFE, liberty, or property
funny how you burgers always forget the government's responsibility to do ensure that for you
>ugh drumpf supporters are SO bad, folks
learn how to write proper sentences faggot