Is this bullish?
Is this bullish?
RiSe uP gUyZ HuRrDuRR! *HONK*
>the state of new great britain
Turns out niggers arent race-exclusive
It’s time to end this nonsense, let the boomers die.
Even in Europe, governments are denouncing the political say of medical "experts".
Trumptards truly deserve the rope. They are the most annoying cunts after furries and faggots.
dump LSD into water supplies
>Years upon years of BLMfags, Women's March, and SJW trannies flooding city streets and rioting over the dumbest made up shit
>A few hundred Trumptards protest the authoritarian shutdown of state business and freedom and now you're triggered
I don't agree with them but lol at your bias
cope, trump tranny
Lol wiggers are doing some real shit
>authoritarian shutdown of state business and freedom
Where? What rights are being taken away? You realize no rights have been infringed upon right?
Might want to read things like the Patriot Act again
>trump tranny
Can you come up with a single original insult. This one isn't even remotely close
>babies dying
Jesus Christ this world has gone full dystopian. WW3 is coooooming folks
>No rights
>except the right to literally conduct any business, gather with your family and friends, etc.
Is this really the angle you're going to take? I believe extraordinary times may necessitate extraordinary measures but to pretend we aren't in a de facto police state right now is just wrong. Yes, some people are going to get immediately triggered by the fact. I would personally wait and let the crisis pass over before accusing the government of doing too much.
looks like a george romero movie
boomers of the dead
No, you misunderstand the angle I'm taking.
Show me where your right to "conduct any business" or "gather with family and friends" is. Show me exactly what rights are being infringed upon.
And then read all of the measures in place that allow the state governments and federal governments to do what they are doing now.
It won't add up. No, your rights aren't being taken away. You just get to see what happens when shit hits the fan. And it barely is, imagine how bad things would get if this was considerably worse. You get the idea.
>They are the most annoying cunts after furries and faggots.
Hey, at least we keep our larping (mostly) behind closed doors.
>Show me where your right to "conduct any business" or "gather with family and friends" is.
You're joking, right?
This means absolutely nothing. Public perception will continue to be monitored and managed accordingly. The populace has a short attention span and responds readily to manipulation.
Trump supporters worship moloch(wall street) so why act surprised? They want to push their children, parents, neighbors and anyone else within arms reach to feed its insatiable appetite. See
Everyone who even considers themselves neutral should start being somewhat of a patriot and start calling this shit out.
Stop being lazy and acting like there is false equivalency.
Trump people over the last 3 years have shown the most blatant aggressive dangerous stupidity we have ever seen.
Grow a spine and some principles folks.
I will call them out, I'm not going to have some fag progressive who literally lives for this shit act like it's somehow a MAGA thing now because of this situation. After this over it's going to be right back to Women's Marches and BLM bullshit and you're going to go back into your seat.
there is no such a think as insults. But if you believe, that it is, then try to insult me...
When the gay parade rolls around they at least put on a show, not block hospitals and ignore stay-at-home orders during a pandemic we are all subject to.
This is embarrassing.
that's funny, they didn't include the footnote that says none of this matters if a flu is going around
When was the last time a woman's march or gay parade started threatening doctors, blocking ambulances and disturbing hospital patients by blasting horns?
All of the groups you mentioned are pretty straightforward and easy to avoid.
Trumptards are Walmart-grade creaturas with sub-80 IQ without any political stances or principles. They change their opinion 20 times a day, depending on what the orange cunt tweeted last.
Pretend to be right-wing, while supporting trannies, kikes and race mixing as long as the subhumans in question support Trump.
At the same time they know it's bad and are ashamed of it, so they pretend it's all "part of the plan". Trump surrounds every aspect of his life and the government with greasy Jews and Rothschild boys, only to magically gas them at the end, supposedly. Trumptards don't know what the plan is or if the plan even exists, but tell everyone to trust it.
Simultaneously the retards get robbed and dumped on by Trump, while being extatic about him saving the big banks.
This is why trumptards deserve painful deaths when the time comes.
if there are any Yas Forumsnessmen left on this board, we need to ramp up scatposting and goreposting considerably.
this thread has demonstrated the sheer amount of disgusting redditors and tourists that are on this board.
Go ahead and show me. Show me where your have concrete rights that contradict the powers the state and federal governments have.
You really think that matters? An executive order in either the state or the federal government doesn't care what the bill of rights says. It's not "illegal" for the government to do it. "Unconstitutional" has basically no meaning as well, why would the government care what is unconstitutional when it has the power it's been given from countless bills and acts throughout the years?
This is the reality of government today. If you think the Bill of Rights represents your actual rights that can never be taken away, you're delusional.
I don't agree with it, but it's just the reality of the situation.
Your arguement is invalid
This shit was pretty common.
I will never understand Q cultists
These are cope responses. Just pointing out that yes, on a fundamental basis, this isn't in line with the Constitution or American traditions. But yes, the government has certainly capitalized on extraordinary times to institute extraordinary measures before, FDR made that a hallmark of his Presidency.
It's even funnier once you understand the origin of Q
>LIFE, liberty, or property
funny how you burgers always forget the government's responsibility to do ensure that for you
>ugh drumpf supporters are SO bad, folks
learn how to write proper sentences faggot
Yeah im not talking about protesting
Or being a whiney pussy snow flakes.
Both sides are always guilty of that.
Im talking about sheer dangerous delusion and a cult of personality taking up 35% of the country.
People who will kill their children to prove trump right.
Democracy is always fragile as fuck.
Trump is doing continuous damage to it on a daily basis because he doesnt know anything about anything, has no principles, and is annoyed by checks of power.
Hes the most anti american president in history by the most extreme margin.
And the Cowardd who called themselves real patriots wont do shit but keep supporting him.
Cope with what? You sound like the one coping with the fact that you don't actually have rights that you think you do have. The Bill of Rights alone might have held up two hundred years ago, now, not so much. It's not some magical guarantee of rights, it's a piece of paper nobody in government really has to abide by.
Again, I don't agree with it, but it's just the truth.
this is how revolutions start
Why are most Trump supporters
1) Old
2) Young and stupid
I went to a Bernie Rally a few months ago because it was near my condo and there was a small Trump gathering near the back. Every single person looked like a white nigger. Every. Single. One.
The Bernie rally had real niggers, Hispanics, well dressed whites, bums, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, SJWs, etc. Basically everyone.
Trump is leader if clowns.
>We will never have a Bernie presidency that drops our support of the criminal government of Israel
Feels bad man
>blocked ambulance
Clearly shows the cars separated.
Liberal authoritarians seething hard over citizens actually standing up for liberty
Nice try fuck nugget
Lolno, the population of sheep will never start anything. These guns are just for show.
>nonononono you don't understand HE'S SO BAD, his supporters would kill 350,000 children simultaneously with their AR15's if President Trumperino said food cost a lot!!