I have 6 BTC

I have 6 BTC.
Which altcoins shoudl I buy for 2020/2021?

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nyzo, snow and idena

Chainlink, duh

Gonna be staking soon, new partnerships every day

srs answer: big bag of eth (likely to outperform btc and make you more btc) and qnt. People will say LINK LINK LINK - but I don't see it as good value (its expensive) at the mcap it is, look for BAND as a potential replacement. Also if you want a high risk, look at Idena


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Monero is the real Bitcoin

Ethereum and Link

Don't know why people don't shill LTC more. It's quite actually a duplicate of BTC

>flash loans
>interest on deposits

Attached: aave.jpg (400x400, 8.74K)

Tezos will run shit soon.

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50/50% PNK and ETH

HAHAHAHA NOO snow is over


Fuck zekikes

What is this

Better aave or LP??
What is NWC

Zano is the next monero

Worse than bitcoin cash ABC


You keep confusing me

What’s better?
Suter DNA or PNK?

Fuck yall

Decred uber alles

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Wrx and chainlink



BSV. Nothing else as far as I'm aware comes close.

Buy XMR. Forget about all the shitcoins.

make a list of every crypto

close your eyes

spin on your chair

slam your finger onto the list

open your eyes

there you go

Bitcoin is short by 1/3.
It will go back up, just hold onto it you retard.

TSLA stock if you are into shitcoins



We're due a moon mission lads.
Final day for filing docs allegedly demonstrating creg has access to 1 million bitcoins is today


Suter. Kleros is a meme


Please gtf on the call and report back. Rocket engines are starting.

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Ethereum & Monero.

WRX and OGN. They will go 10X in May.

Xrp is garbage. Stellar is more preferable to that shit coin being premined 50%. Fuck you shameless xrp shills. It a gutter garbage hold.

With BTC shitting the bed as miners shut down their rigs?

Idena has the most potential upside for what it’s trying to achieve, and what its current valuation is (below $2m mcap). 30% organic growth each epoch as well, active development, novel blockchain. bullish on it medium to long term.