Yet 20+ million unemployed(that number is likely to continue to grow) for another few weeks atleast. Who is buying shit that isnt entertainment or food?
William Jenkins
Anyone using Questrade here?
Christopher Collins
if you shoot a cowowona nigger he expels corona gas are you sure you still want to shoot him?
Gavin Morales
we can't anger the Saudis. The petrodollar is the only reason we're not Zimbabwe.
Juan Gray
>18522751 I'm camping for the next 4 nights in national forests so hopefully I outlast the bigfeet and skinwalkers
I’m overall down like 40%. I think I might be clinically retarded kek
Juan Rivera
that's what all my stocks look like right now. What the hell?
Ryan Bailey
is there nay way to invest in oil (besides individual stocks/etfs) and not deal with contango or decay?
William Johnson
anyone been trading in and out of the banks?
they are making higher lows each time.
Thomas Morales
Green is my favorite color, frens.
Easton Evans
this satire article from onion dude kek
Chase Davis
It's like in Xcom when you shoot a zombie and the chrysalid pops out and fucks up half of your squad.
Nolan Rodriguez
10 year bond yield. Yield goes down = more people in bonds, less money in stocks. Yield goes up = the opposite.
That said, since this is such a common and well known indicator, I wouldn't be surprised if it was done on purpose as part of a short squeeze or something kek.
>tfw you can't kill yourself because religious so you're hitchhiking too hopefully die that way
Benjamin Price
I took out a 50k loan, then used that loan as capital to get another loan, that's how confident I am in these investments to moon long-term
Imaging buying one of literally two fully functional aircraft producers on the planet while it's valued like a trash tier startup
James Howard
if APA doesnt hold 8 till eod im killing myself
Isaiah Lewis
I use wst and invest into canadian stonks like a true patriot! Just kidding, I use wst as training wheels for when I'm ready for big boys gains and not too lazy for US taxes.
Grayson Brown
A mid-May put for $75 is not unrealistic. Their drug is a scam.
Nathan Williams
Yeah bought JPM yesterday
Justin Evans
Trump has already said that the US cannot afford to give up its fracking industry and energy autonomy. It's a matter of national security. He already said all this a few weeks back. Just watch his press conferences if you want to time the market. Simple as.
Juan Ramirez
Zachary Foster
bonds are getting clapped
Joseph Brown
just start using heroin
Caleb Garcia
all these people talking about killing themselves because they are going from being rich to having as much money as i have
Christian Morgan
Join the military. War with Chyna is imminent. You can die for your country with honor like a real man.
Nathan Lewis
By that, you mean get raped? HIV isn't a death sentence anymore, user.
>get small loan from bank >go to gas station and fill barrels with unleaded regular >store in garage for 1 year, maybe 2 >resell when prices are higher as premium gas >???
MFA moving away from Agency MBS in their most recent 10-k filing, NYMT moving towards agency. Any thoughts on holding some NYMT for the next couple quarters?
Jace Smith
i hope your eyes get gouged out and your gluttonous underbelly gets scythed stupid american
Andrew Carter
Golden QQQ bullrun
Robert Howard
Jayden Garcia
the US literally cannot afford to give up the petrodollar. Its why people keep buying whatever we BRRRRRR out of thin air.
Logan Martin
The market has almost perfectly correlated with SPX and inversely with the bond yield for a long time.
Tyler Lewis
>MFA moving away from Agency MBS in their most recent 10-k filing
Less guarantee that their mortgages get paid, as they're unsecured by Freddie Mac and Fannie May. Or at least that's my understanding, doing a personal crash course in REITs right now, seem like a good play.
Luis Perry
Buy futures for a year out. A guy from wall street will show up at your house to deliver the tanker full of crude, and you can sell it as an all natural anti-aging oil to to middle aged women for $30/oz.