Chainlink BTFOed again

Chainlink BTFOed again

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so they're gonna get hacked like that project with uniswap that chainlink had to come rescue.. guess someone has to the super hero


Crypto currency scam buzzword checklist:

>someone got so buttmunched in the other thread he had to make his own thread to vent his anger
I bet you’re this retard

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kek he thinks Chainlink's vaporware is secure

Attached: vitalikchainlinkscam.png (713x216, 22.03K)


Pre alpha eh?

>disregards 200 partnerships and counting

Not good for CL desu. Here is the speculation boys, Chainlink will get one massive normie exit pump then crash back waaaaay down. Or it could mean that Tezos is hugely undervalued? Something big is coming

it's centralized
they will bend the knee eventually
for whatever reason they just aren't ready
sergey wouldn't include them in a slide if they aren't in play
Did read; still not selling

Your fanfic sucks

>Something big is coming
Potty Training to Mumbai.

Is every Tezos node also an OrO node then by default?
If Tezos can do this natively, why can't ethereum do this natively?
Can Tezos OrO nodes pass data to other chains as well or would they need to communicate with other oracles on the other chains?

You LITERALLY cannot talk about a new crypto project at all without 4 of those 5 words, and given the project is a decentralized oracle project, there's the 5th.

How the fuck would they announce the project without using LITERALLY all 5 of those words? We'll all wait while you figure that madlibs activity out...


Been trading crypto since 2015 you fucking moron. Seen this shit play out many times over already. No crypto is being used - NOTHING is sacred.

>they will bend the knee eventually
Chainlink has 0 users. Everyone who "bent the knee" has been confirmed a fake partnership. How new are you? DYOR newfag.

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sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

Ethereum can do this natively. That's what it's signalling! Bearish af for CL

>Been trading crypto since 2015 you fucking moron
>imagine typing this out without a single shred of shame
why even live at this point?

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Cope harder you fucking retard

Tezos got hacked several times already mate.
Tezos is vaporware
Tezos is shit
Fuck Tezos buy Chainlink
You keep making posts in thread you are the same guy kys

>Tezos got hacked several times, Kathleen is building her project on Chainlink and Ethereum, Arthur got kicked out of the foundation and is asking to work for Chainlink

At least one person with a brain asking the right questions

You marines are a disgrace nowadays, huh?

Archived this picture.
Will show it to my grandchildren, I will educate them on how stupid people can get.

Better trust Tezos saturnian oracles than Chainlonks trustless caribbean orkles.
Also snorkx: (sn-orkel tree shark signatures) coming soon.


>"Im not bashing Chainlink"
>bashes Chainlink

Vitalik is so butthurt lmao


Jesus Christ I recognize this fud beat for beat from Yas Forums.

Is a fucking buzzword you dunce

your fud was working up until this post. you should've never made this post.