Is silver/gold a good super long term investment? I’m talking >40 years here, I want to leave my children and grandchildren with some stacks.
Is silver/gold a good super long term investment? I’m talking >40 years here...
Other urls found in this thread:
No asteroid mining will bring gold to the price of aluminum
Have fun mining asteroids in 450 years
Physical metal = wealth time machine
This may be a meme but I was legitimately considering this. Throughout human history gold has always been a valuable commodity, I find it hard to believe that it could decrease so rapidly within the next few decades
(((Asteroid mining)))
-brought to you by the worlds central banks and governments
Why not?
>he thinks we will be mining asteroids this century
>good goys place their wealth in paper
These are jews
>super long term investment
Did you even read op question? I hold pm because there will be another bull run but after that price will be so high going to space will make sense.
What I meant by super long term was about 2 generations worth of time. In about 10 years I would guess I’m going to be a grandparent. I’m trying to secure my bloodline
I have same problem, I guess buying land is the ultimate idea. Buy cheap land, dig a lake, build stone fundaments for future houses, plant trees and let it be. Gold might become cheap, land never will.
Silver is the ideal super-long term hold
>Paper silver
Physical is $24/ounce already, if you can buy it.
$8 silver is not very popular on biz.
I have also heavily considered this user. I guess my thinking is that I would prefer to start out with a smaller in investment like precious metals. I’m not really in a position to buy land rn but I will be sometime within the next 5 years
Think of it this way.
If your grandpappy has done this for you 60 years ago, and you had sold at exactly the best moment, you would have made 2x from what he put in.
In 60 years. 2x.
I would be ok with this. I’m planning on investing hundreds of thousands
>invest billions of dollars to produce technology to mine asteroid
>invest more billions to make it work, between spacecraft, workers, fuel and logistics
>bring literal thousands of gold back to earth
>suddenly the gold supply increases 500%
>gold is now worth shit
>your whole investment went down the drain
I'd call you retarded but I know you're just a jew after the gold of the weak minded goyim who fail to realise it's single handedly the best investment you can make at any point in history.
>Jew scam plays out in 250 years minimum, gold rendered worthless
>I'm already dead, smoking joints with jesus not giving a fuck
based, except I really hope there won't be any jews alive in 250 years to carry it out.
JM has a shitton of silver for as low as $18.50, what do you mean?
Only if theyre batbois
>Is silver/gold a good super long term investment?
Sure, if you're looking for an investment that doesn't generate a return, incurs expenses to store and secure it, comes with ludicrous spreads at purchase that put you 20% in the hole just from the start, and in the best scenario barely keeps up with inflation.
If that's what you're looking for, then it's perfect.
>doesn't generate a return
literally appreciated 500% in 20 years
>incurs expenses to store and secure it
wtf you on, I just keep everything inside my bathroom wardrobe and I've been doing this for over 20 years now. Just don't live in the middle of niggers
>comes with ludicrous spreads at purchase that put you 20% in the hole just from the start
what the fuck are you even talking about
>in the best scenario barely keeps up with inflation
see second line, if your brain allows you to count to 2
>Physical is $24/ounce already, if you can buy it.
have fun paying premiums you won't get back.
ok juden
I hold gold but
>he thinks you only find gold in the asteroids
>he thinks there is no industrial use for gold and other metals
Oh no no no
okay, boomer.
the other mong specifically mentioned asteroid mining. I'm aware of the industrial use for gold, but it's a little like silver, at least in the SHTF scenario industry won't really be a factor anymore
Just buy stocks
>I would be ok with this.
Really? You're okay with a 1% return over 6 decades during the most incredible growth of the world's economy in history?
In those 6 decades there has never been a decade with less than 2% inflation. So you're happy with actually LOSING 1% of your wealth every year?
You're happy with this scenario? What the fuck kind of mental midget are you? Your grandchildren won't appreciate you, they'll think you're a fucking fool.
> I’m planning on investing hundreds of thousands
Oh, great! Not only are you wanting to throw your money away, you want to throw a ton of it away, just to put an exclamation point on how stupid you are. Wonderful.
This, how do such retards have 6 figures to blow
If asteriod mining brings the value of gold that low then asteroid mining will no longer be profitable.
okay, boomer.
Especially when china and Russia have accumulated massive amounts, and recommend citizens hold lot's also. This is how the wealth transfers from west to east unfortunately.
land can be confiscated...