Enough of overvalued crypto projects, their bullshit marketing gimmicks, useless partnerships...

Enough of overvalued crypto projects, their bullshit marketing gimmicks, useless partnerships, NON-COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY etc..
Let me redpill you about NKN:
>Uber/AirBnB of internet communication
>provides networking platform for any kind of communication over internet with incentives
>node can be ran almost on any device with public IP, no bullshit ASIC
>as secure as possible, end2end encryption, no centralized PKI
>super solid incentives, vast majority of revenue goes to nodes (80-90%)
>currently more nodes than BTC and ETH combined (over 20k)
>Proof of Relay + novel and super scalable consensus mechanism (MOCA)
>multiple services top of the NKN network: CDN, Pub/Sub messaging, TUNA, VPN, FTP, etc..
>their CDN service is proven to outperform any traditional or p2p CDN service with significant difference
>TUNA service will be the GRANDE: fully decentralized marketplace for tunneling any kind of software services e.g. remote gaming
>just made CDN related commercial contract with iQiyi that's video platform with over 100m users
>in talks with major telecom/cable/internet companies in US, Europe, China etc..
>right now the major focus on delivering services for iQiyi in order to fully prove its competence to other potential customers
>team consists of industry specialists who have the best backgrounds for this kind of project
>main advisors are diffie whitfield and stephen wolfram
>tokenomics are very solid, founding team and community devs combined have 18% of tokens (with multi-year lock-down periods)
>ridiculously low market cap: 7.3m$
So NKN is basically the most undervalued crypto project in all metrics if you do comparison with other crypto projects.
This should already be 10x more EASILY but the market is still in heavy sleep on this one.
If you really want to make it, this is it. This is your chance. Look deeper into this project if you aren't convinced yet.
For more info: forum.nkn.org/t/all-in-one-nkn-faq

Attached: nkn.png (284x284, 87.59K)

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Lets just take it for ourselves user.
You're too nice.
I think those who are meant to know already know about it.

Ok and when will it moon?


>Id goy
Isn't it weird how Kek can fuck up an otherwise perfect shill attempt?

Checked. NKN is probably the first legitimately useful public blockchain there is. Even ETH can't scale to handle industry applications on the public chain.

And here you have this little known project at $7 million cap giving 10x improvements in caching and efficiency to one of the world's largest video streaming companies.

This should already be top 30. I accumulate every paycheck regardless of the price

why no pump?

holding 30k since January 2019

Well, at least I have tried now.
The pressure keeps on growing in terms of mooning. If nothing else, then the revenue from commercial contracts will steadily moon this behalf of the crypto market.
These really deserve to be read for anyone here.
Cool to hear. I'm also putting a significant part of my wagie money on this one in monthly basis. DCA is king.

"NKN is used to incentivize Internet users to share their network connection and unused bandwidth"
Why the fuck would i let anybody else use my bandwidth when there are data caps?! If i go over my Data caps i get charged Fees from my internet provider.
Unless the incentive is significantly higher than the cost of my internet, Fuck that.

If you have data caps and you're maximizing your usage then it probably won't be worth it for you to mine. For anyone with no data caps (which is the norm in countries where internet is not a scam like in NA) or for people who don't use it much it's an easy way to generate extra income.

Why would you join any kind of p2p network with data limitations? Most of us (in 1st world countries) don't have such limitations.

I also put some of my bi-weekly checks into NKN, regardless of price.
Been doing so since March 12th 2019.
I'm lucky to have gathered quite a lot so far!

This coin will be in the top 100, then 50, then 25, then 10.
It is possible to hit top 5 even.

Attached: 1586683348821.png (1045x718, 341.85K)

Lmao who the fuck has data caps on their internet? Is this 2007?

You got chinked boy

People should genuinely read the GSMA article. It's an easy and good read. Doesn't go into NKN as much as their case study for iQiyi mass video delivery, but GSMA are the largest group of telecom businesses in the world (i.e. Nokia, Telefonica, AT&T etc, all members to this). It's a massive deal they're being recognised here.

Not everyone lives in a 3rd world country. The UK hasn't had data caps for almost 10 years. Most of EU doesn't even cap your phone usage.

Good thread sir. Well shilled. You missed how their CDN can also be used for free. 100GB a month for anyone to sign up and use on their own domains, websites, and content. If you need more than 100GB, their pricing is currently around 10% of the CDN average. At the moment it's only $6.95 for 1TB of bandwidth or 200 NKN if you hold mainnet tokens ($3).

Attached: eea0a12c23dc0ebc277ff35294543d3835cf706a.png (800x481, 193.69K)

Oh, so it's like Skycoin if Skycoin actually ever did shit.

Can I install NKN on my 1BTC Sky box?

Set up your node to turn off when your bandwidth meets its cap, use every bit of resources your isp sells you rather than leaving cash on the table.

nice write up fren

NKN can be run on linux, Windows, or macos at the moment. If the Skybox is some custom asic bullshit, probably not. NKN can even be installed on some routers and comes pre-installed on some NAS devices in China now, with another 3 NAS OEMs in talks with them as far as I know.

Price predictions?

$0.50 to $1 within 24 months. ATH spike anywhere as high as $10.

I missed many other things as well but the list would have been endless.
I'm not 100% sure about Skycoin, it may have kind of same agenda. The need of custom hardware is definitely a stumbling block for it in terms of gaining real adoption.
Ty fren.
Well, this should already be over 10x of its current price if we are doing sensible comparison with other higher position crypto projects. I would say 0.5-1$ by the end of this year if market has any sense, otherwise 0.5-1$ by end of the next year.

Dubs and trips

It is known

Nkn is a scam

Nice chart cumstain I really want to invest

Attached: Screenshot_20200417-142522_TradingView.jpg (1080x2220, 503.9K)

Dubs & Trips.

You have solidified our future.

Low IQ price history gazer. All that was product development.

Chink hustle shitcoin. This board never learns.

> Ignores being spoonfed a 100x - 1000x return
Yea you're right, this board doesn't learn.

Let me redpill you about pajeets
>worship cows
>run phone call scams
>try to sell you shitcoins
>physically and mentally disgusting

Everyone does, you stupid zoomer. Try running a high traffic server on your home connection and see how long that lasts.