Attached: liberation.png (739x330, 53.23K)

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Liberate my asshole Donnie

Heatin' up

Attached: 1574730586738.jpg (470x595, 200.56K)

Do something you orange bastard.

this guy is fucking unhinged

Murrifats, this is your fucking president, some fucking low IQ retard lmaooo

Based Donnie

Seethe harder you irrelevant faggot.

Virginia is going to shit thanks to all the illegal spics.

Is our President actually TRYING to incite public unrest?

I'm not opposed but can we wait for fall to start going all in on the partisan politics shit

Officially ashamed to be American

yes! recall whitmer! tell her to fuck off donnie!

Come, join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
And rouse your bold hearts at fair Liberty's call;
No tyrannous acts shall suppress your just claim,
Or stain with dishonor America's name.

Attached: US_coronavirus_protest.webm (800x450, 3M)


BASED(based) and(&) REDPILLED(redpilled)!

>open up too early
>2nd wave of reinfection

LYinG MeDiA, I NevEr SaiD to OpEn up The CounTry !1!

Not my president

>Is our President actually TRYING to incite public unrest?

No the tyrannical governors are. The virginia governor said he would extend the stay at home order until august.

Even though there is no fucking justification for this other than he's a democrat that hates Trump and wants to hurt the country to hurt Trump.

Virginia is not a hot bed, and outside of Northern Virginia and Richmond has extremely low infection rates due to low population density, yet he wants us to shelter in place like we live in Jew York City.

It's the democratic governors that hate Trump that are starting this.


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this is what happens when you take Trump people's religion away from them (Trump rallies). God these people are fucking insane, it's a goddamn cult.

Signal word?

He's talking about the anti 2nd amendment laws in those states you dumb yuropoor

Le based anti state rights orange man!!

holy shit


orange man based

He’s literally tweeting about liberating states - as in opening them up. The Virginia gun thing he just added there.
I’m actually a Virginian lol

Trump tells latinos to punish their democrat enemies!

considering there was never a first wave worth shutting down for, a 2nd wave will be less than a nothing burger

>USA is retarded enough to have 587,606 active covid cases
>at least Spain+ Italy+ France combined
>yet there are still ameriburgers who want more infections

Attached: 9d5.png (680x680, 59.44K)

eat shit gretchen nobody likes you

Most of America is basically untouched, fuck city fags they're the ones pumping our numbers.


Attached: US_going_to_the_moon.png (750x530, 51.38K)

>usa has more cases than 3 countries that combine for ~53% of the US population!!!
whoa. this is bad

>The virginia governor said he would extend the stay at home order until august.
WTF? lmao. Between that and the gun laws VA could actually turn red in 2020.

jew york had to retroactively reclassify thousands of deaths to get that pump lol

Worse than that. The VA governor basically stormed in and immediately pushed through every cliché liberal law imaginable. Ended voter ID, drivers licenses for illegals, no holds barred abortion, went after guns (failed so far, but they'll be back), joined the popular vote compact. Hilarious

Ok, i'll eat the bait
So let's take all of Europe
Population 446 million - active cases 659,051
US - 320 million - active cases 620,941

of course they did they wanted to be accurate. that car accident didn't kill that guy, his coronavirus did

New York is classifying everything as a covid 19 death. You don't even need a positive test.

They are doing this to get money from insurers. Cuomo is blocking 6.7 billion in medicaid funding, because it wouldn't allow him to restructure the medicaid program

Antibody test for California just came out and 4% of the population was infected, 80 times more than tested and confirmed cases. This will have blown over in no time.