>We put old, retired people first over millions of young, able-bodied people.
My sides
Coronavirus Logic
Why do you hate your own parents and grandparents so much?
Why do you hate young people being allowed to succeed? Nothing lasts. Stop being delusional.
Very zoom zoom. Let's just forget that these evil "boomers" is why your wasted fleshbag even exists. They should have thrown you off the cliff.
i would stomp your skull without mercy
billionaires are boomers
Boomers and old people put themselves first, even though it's the exact opposite of what every single piece of successful moral code in human history says is right. Boomers will go down as the worst people to have ever walked the earth, having consumed three full generations worth of effort generated wealth in one life time, on vehicles and cheeseburgers.
If you look at the daily chart from the DJI and correlate it with Trumps reactions to the virus it's quite appalling. Just a flu bro mode until everything fell off a cliff.
Respect your elders user.
What do zoomers have to complain about? College is remote which just makes it easier. Working remote is easier.
Once boomers die the world will enter a utopia.
People don't. They just realize when a person is 80 years old, they've lived a full life and could quite literally die any moment from natural causes regardless. I would be sad if my grand parents died, but at the same time they're fucking old. I've already realized they're on borrowed time before corona ever hit.
You should look into the mythos of chronos
>hurr durr just let a novel virus spread around the whole population in an uncontrolled manner cuz we can't let a bunch of shitty pizza shops close for a few months, that is UNTHINKABLE
>his idea of utopia is sitting at his computer watching people stream videogames on twitch and watching ecelebs on youtube
zoom zoom!
Gas yourself
My family's health is more important than the economy. Having said that, I believe this whole thing is a hoax.
>I would stomp your skull without mercy.
It's probably not a good idea for you to go outside gramps. You might experience some flu-like symptoms. Did you remember to prick your finger this morning?
>college degrees are worthless
>boomers dominate and destroy businesses through incompetence and then declare bankruptcy
>average millennial makes 22-28k a year
because they destroyed this society on their way out sold us out and left us with nothing
They missed WW2 and the Korean War, dodged and complained during Vietnam, and masterminded all the bullshit Middle Eastern wars that young people were sent to fight in. Boomers have no honor and don't understand sacrifice. They'd literally burn the whole world down if it meant they got to live one more day.
you forget that boomers are in control of the gubmint
Why do grandparents and boomers hate their children so much? They're the ones who are at risk, so they're the ones who should quarantine themselves. They are also retires, not contributing to the economy anyway, and are perfectly capable of staying home and living off their pensions, 401ks, and social security.
Why do the productive people who actually need to make money to survive have to give up everything instead? It's pure selfishness from the boomers. And that's on top of the fact that the threat of the virus has been massively over exaggerated due to faulty statistics that only look at confirmed cases while also overrepresenting the number of deaths
If they did, they wouldn't feed you and shelter you for 18+ years.
But let me guess, mom refused to buy the latest gimmick console and video games, so you're now carrying a grudge for life.
Imagine being such a disabled piece of shit that you let a flu kill you
Boomers are the worst generation.
The best part is all the boomers and old people are the ones rallying to end the quarantine. Pretty based desu.
At the end of the movie everybody dies boomer. Sorry if I ruined it for you
You have to be under 40 to post on this website
Damn, I didnt think of it that way. I guess it actually is totally warranted to put 50% of the labor force out of a job with no hopes of ever getting them back for the sake of a couple thousand 80 year olds with multiple comorbidities who would've died from the flu by next year anyway
>I didnt think of it that way.
I doubt you ever thought much in any way. Your post reeks of minimal if any self reflection.
That's mostly because zoomers and millenials can't rally to do anything that affects real life.
if boomers die then young people can afford children