Take the profit and close out your position. 20 million unemployed in a single month. Stocks are not worth that much

Take the profit and close out your position. 20 million unemployed in a single month. Stocks are not worth that much.

t. Knower

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Those fucking tits holy shit

Here's the horrible secret. [spoiler] Companies are better off without those 20 million [/spoiler]. Also, that's a man

what happens when they cant consoom though?

that’s what the neet bucks are for

thats a man

what happens when they run out?

why was i born poor and ugly? how come i can't have the nice things in life? if cryptos don't pan out then what is the point of living?

i deserve a cute gf like that

im a good person

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>that’s a man
Why did you have to red pill me.
How do I get blue pilled again?

They can’t

You don't. You already switched sides. All you have to do now is to accept it.

G-god... is that you?

all is vanity
you deserve nothing

Oh sweet Vishnu, could it be that I have found such a fair lady here in the streets of Mumbai

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Dev here, work with a lot of Indians. Seriously a lot of them do have incredible bodies

But they’re all married so there’s that

The market is too big to fail

Basically this, it's actually retarded.

She's italian

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The unspoken truth right here. All these companies have just used this virus stuff as an excuse to get rid of employees they can do without.
Here in the uk a company can ‘furlough’ an employee if it’s not busy enough to keep them around, the government will then pay the employer 80% of that persons wage, so the employer is basically getting the employee for free. However company’s have still chose to just lay them off, why? Because they don’t want them back.

>pajeets claiming every black hair, brown eyed girl as indian

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Do you get them every month? I thought it was just a 1 off thing.
Interesting that neetbux just a few months ago were a distant dream and Yang was mocked for offering it. Now surprise surprise the Dems have started talking about giving you yanks $2k per month.
I love how things always (((coincidentally))) line up.


i really hate that fucking sunken eyes look. my eyes look like that and I cant stand seeing it in the mirror every fucking day!

Sofia Mina Delle Cave

Thanks bud

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t. Knoowooer

You can't fight the Fed. When will you bearfags get it. Stocks will only go up

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No nudes. Why do you retards promote these ethots who don’t even put out lmao.


Son, back in my day we fapped to covered pin ups and shit. Increase your test.

A JC Penny catalog from 1995 was enough to get me hard.
Not even memeing: you should check to see if you can get a full boner without looking at a naked woman and without touching your dick.
Porn ruins you