Seems that Tezos has their own functioning oracles. What does this mean for Chainlink?
Seems that Tezos has their own functioning oracles. What does this mean for Chainlink?
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That's a...
probably that redditors were right and Chainlink is centralized vaporware
Why didn't they take the time to mention redundant aggregation of data from a user-defined number of nodes with built in incentives for honest participation?
They say "there is an oracle probrem" without offering a solution to it. They just say "we let you connect to a server!"
This provides no explanation as to how OrO oracles would compete with LINK. In fact, it’s just a summary of The Oracle Problem really. Most intelligent anons are already aware XTZ is non enterprise grade tech, it’s oracles will probably not be Sybil resistant and will fill niche roles for low importance DaPPs.
This is not OrO. That's another project they are making
>Other approaches, such as Town Crier.
Yas Forums OG's always knew it, the Tezos era has finally arrived.
It means you fell for vaporware that hasnt been fully shown as such yet and you still can get your money back.
This is even more laughable now, thanks for clarifying
>Other approaches, such as Town Crier, use trusted execution environments such as Intel SGX to provide authenticated data feeds to smart contracts (or private/confidential information).
*Chainlinks Town Crier
Chainlink partnership soon?
That’s what Tezos admins said
What did @chuks2 say?
I'm guessing this was a response to whether Chainlink will be the "main" oracle on Tezos.
If you post answers to questions without also posting the question, information is lost.
Tezos is another shitcoin hype like Cardano or Tron or Iota with no actual substance trying to make it sound like some sophisticated "new" blockchain. In reality they don't even know much about oracles or how their smartcontract s will connect to the outside world. Retards always fall for these kind of shitcoins, because they listen to the vague technical jargon without actually knowing or understanding anything.
and let me guess, Chainlink is the way to go according to you?
I really really like this image
>What does this mean for Chainlink?
Chainlink will now have 10000 partners instead of 100001 and Tezos will go to 0$ eoy.
It’s all so tiresome. I’ve been in crypto for over 10 years now and this happens over and over. Ironically I don’t blame them for falling for it though, I fell for it when I first started. They must fail a few times to learn. Now I’m all in Link.
>this level of seething
Tezos seems pretty legit to me. Look how well they did in the last 12 months with zero marketing. I'm actually tempted to buy a suicide stack to hold over the next 12 months
t.65k linklet
If this partnership happens it'll be the true singularity for both coins
Yeah, you're wrong. Updates to Tezos can literally be proposed by anyone and voted for by stakers on-chain. Therefore it should always have the latest tech in the industry unlike BTC, ETH which have spun their wheels for years
They are waiting to be accepted by chainlink. Apparently they are the ones who think that chainlink is the way to go.
>this level of delusion
complete made up info, wtf are you smoking?
Just saw that the OrO project reached alpha btw. I believe these guys are backed by Tim Draper so it could possibly set a new standard for oracles. Hope Sergey is watching this closely desu
And then see
You fucking retard
Tim Draper is an open advocate of Baseline Protocol, who integrated Chainlink in March 4th when Ernst & Young made their release.
>a screenshot of literally who telling something vague
linkies proves
He's invested in hundreds of crypto projects
Not to mention OrO even self proclaims themselves as a very basic solution. Nothing revolutionary here, just another JSON parser. Will fill niche uses like Tezos will but nothing enterprise grade
Oh you’re just pretending to be retarded. Nvm