Why the FUCK aren't you getting live mentoring from former Goldman trader Anton Kreil for $1,035?
Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management
Other urls found in this thread:
this guy is based and redpilled
at least the price doesn't end in a 7
Goldman isn’t even a top trading house it’s just a strong IB.
This guy is a clown as well
r u fucking retarded
does anyone have these videos?
I have his forex one
I have them all options,forex,stock masterclass.
Why does it cost a thousand dollars to learn how to use a stop loss?
some guy on Yas Forums put his entire course on mega lol
They teach you to use a trailing stop loss.
The forex folder is missing some excel files needed for the analysis process. I watched half the course until I realised this and so far no one can provide these files anywhere
ah fuck
Excel files for the forex masterclass.
what's the password?
>forex masterclass
jesus i cant believe some people actually take a course named like that seriously
No password for the rar file.
Based and multiple savings of $1,035 pilled
didn't work
Those that can do, those that can’t, teach
there are only 2 types of people who will help you trade
>those offering you help for free
>those offering you nothing
>Hey user why aren't you paying me $1,000 to learn how to gamble
Is this even worth the time ?
The excel sheets link has a password
dunno about the other stuff
Bet it's something unguessable like e3n2293nj!1 or some shit
Share plz?
henlo, password needed fren
I swear to god if this is Dolphin porn