Borrowing to buy bitcoin?

I make £23,000 a year, I only got £2000 in savings which I can't spend rn.

I have 1.2 BTC and 1 ounce of gold, but I want 3 BTC. Is borrowing 5k so I can have 2BTC a good idea or no? It means paying £100 a month for the next 5 years, and by then I'll be 28.
I'm probably gonna sell the gold for more BTC soon

I'm renting, I can't get a mortgage cause I'm broke as shit, but if I work hard at my job I should be earning 30k in a few years at least, maybe sooner, I'm an IT dork working towards qualifications. I'm incredibly fucking lazy though

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I need more BTC so I can tell lowcoiners I'm better than then, so its really fucking important

not bad except for the stud fishing tackle hanging off of every goddamn thing
Fuck this fishing tackles decorating needs to stop

Why can't you spend the £2000? Logic would say buy £2000 worth of BTC because you should NEVER put credit on this shit. Seriously, it's a life-ruining gamble.

Make more money, then invest. (I suggest getting CKB (nervos) before its first cycle)

To clarify my point : I think BTC is going to new lows, $2K. If you feel like POSSIBLY losing 75%, then go for it ?

I fucking love it man

Things coming up in July that I need to be prepared for. Hopefully I don't need to use it but I *might* do.

Plus I owe my brother £2000, he doesn't need it urgently though but I want to pay him as soon as I can, and I'll be using that £2000 if I don't need it in July

I doubt it, I think we've bottomed.
How long do you think it'll take till we hit 2k in your vision though?

I don't know what L23 means in real money, but no, dont speculate with borrowed money until you have a TON of experience investing. You will go broke and feel suicidal.

it needs to stop. all of it. it looks gross and stupid

23000 GBP is like 28000 USD at the moment, I want a loan to buy 1 BTC, over 5 years at 3.5% is about $120 a month

It won't ruin my life, it would just piss me off for 5 years

>he's going to FOMO in and get rekt

Keep the gold, ditch your ego trip and invest in something besides BTC, like ETH. No debt. Are you stupid?

ETH is a shitcoin bro, plus liquid network makes it obsolete anyway

Don't listen to those fags in this thread OP.
It is a very simple:
Where do you think Bitcoin will be in 5 years? Do you think it will be the best investment you can make in your life/ the only chance to be a rich motherfucker?
If you lose all the money, will it matter to you?
Will you be so much better off in 10 years if you didn't take the gamble?
I think the answers should be clear.
Go big or go home

ah Britian. Ahoy mate.
Well you guys invented modern finance so I'll break it down just for you. You cannot predict where Btc price will go....... at least not yet in your career.
If it drops, you will be pissed for five years, but more like you will have no opportunities to fix it for five years.
Hold on to your... Ls? GBPs? Anyway, hold onto them and practice with some paper trading for me. There's a good fellow.

DCA slowly, buy like £250 a month

I give you £1 if you swallow

>To clarify my point : I think BTC is going to new lows, $2K. If you feel like POSSIBLY losing 75%, then go for it ?

Didn't know magic poop cannon posted in here.

I'm gonna... COoooOOooOOOoooom

OP don't listen to these hating fags.
BTC is here to stay.
A small loan over 5 years is fucking nothing at your age, if anything it'll boost your credit score and show you are responsible; thus more credit later.

You're in IT, you can 100% do a cuck support job for like 20k in the very worst case scenario that you do lose your current income.

Fuck these jew niggers and just YOLO the bitch, it's fucking low right now - it could go lower yes but in 5 years time I am betting (I'm just an early investor fag) that sub 10k (yes meme) will be a fucking dream

At your age you can afford to gamble money you can't lose.


yawn. Boring. No opportunities for five years lmao

It's the sort of thing I would not do myself but would recommend that you do

100 a month is not bad, and even worse case scenario that btc massively dumps and for some reason you think it wont ever go back up you can sell and still have at least a couple grand

One last piece of advice OP.
In your long, illustrious carrer, you must teach yourself to ignore comments like this. But it won't always be easy.
Good luck.

Based and big balls pilled. Thank you friend are wisdom.

Trading isn't really my thing, I just want to accumulate BTC quickly before its too late. Heart is set on 3BTC


>A small loan over 5 years is fucking nothing at your age, if anything it'll boost your credit score and show you are responsible; thus more credit later.
Yes, was thinking this, could be a positive to allow me to borrow more in the future.

>At your age you can afford to gamble money you can't lose.
That's basically what I'm thinking.
I also wanted to buy stocks, because I know I can afford to wait even 20 years if thats what it takes to reach a new all time high (I very much doubt itll take anywhere near that long).. Unless theres a total collapse in which case?.. I aint paying that loan back anyway

The chance of me selling at this point is zero, because I'd hang myself if I sold and it went up. I am the "hodler of last resort". I will be super fucking angry and sad if it goes to like sub 1k but I won't sell. I'll probably still be buying more.

>because I know I can afford to wait even 20 years if thats what it takes to reach a new all time high
That is not how it works. I am this guy btw. ID changed.
Buying stocks at this point is stupid. Watch those videos to understand why and what kind of ride you are into:
That is why I think buying BTC longterm is good and a hedge. Even though I would go ALL IN LINK.
Oh yeah, and buying a dozen ounces of silver won't be bad neither.
And I think we could see another dip below 6k around the halvening

>don’t buy stocks
>buy shit coins
>buy commodities

That's a man.

Kill yourself and get your ass raped for what is about to come you absolute fucking Jew. Fucking subhuman piece of trash. Go and try to fool some retards on reddit

Can you retards fuck off back to the YouTube comments. You're so goddamn irritating.

Just get 32 ETH before it's too expensive to achieve that

Speculating on an asset with a loan is a horrible strategy.

that's a woman

Man I bet you would be making 50+ thousand if you didnt have socialist medicine