What the actual fuck?

What the actual fuck?

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fucking kikes

Too much Chinese money flowing into Vancouver. Once the rest of them discover SUTER we are bound to see a bubble in assets like that too. Price target? 80 bucks kek.

clown world

Most of Canada is boomers with vested interests, would like to see the breakdown demographics of who was surveyed. I assume this reeks of selection bias.

Derrr i was saying this from the start! Housing is NOT an investment, housing is a roof over peoples heads. Unless 20% of the population dies, houses will stay the same. Builders cannot build houses fast enough for people to move into.

silly millennial, you thought you were ever going to be able to buy a home at a fair price? ha ha ha

Chinks driving the price up
Chinks bought Canada Australia New Zealand
The Commonwealth has become a chinese colony

they put a stopper on chinks buying up property here for a few years now in canada

This means a housing market crisis is locked in.

People don't charge what services are worth though, tehy charge what customers can afford.

If the renters stop being able to pay rents that support landie mortage leverage rents will need to drop, which means house proces will need to drop or the banks & landies need to eat a wave of defaults. Even (((they))) would prefer to have some of their profit than none of their profit.

Chinks are net sellers of assets for the first time in a decade during 2019. This might be the RE markets way of exit scamming the bugmen.

Overseas chinese billionaires own them, they're empty, what did you expect?

>they put a stopper on chinks buying up property here for a few years now in canada

Yeah... Which is why they send their kids over for "education", who then apply for citizenship and buy property with manipulated currency.

All they've done is made it so they need to get a piece of paper first.

Its not going to happen. Soon the shutdowns will be over and everyone back to normal. The banks and governments can just wipe this debt away like a coffee stain anyway, just numbers on a screen bro.

>tfw married early 20s with a baby, possibly another on the way

I'm fairly certain we will be living in a 1 room apartment forever. My finances are so bad and my job prospects so shit. Houses here cost a fortune even though it's a shit area. Is there any hope bros?

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they surveyed the real estate companies so of course they would say that everything is fine.

Doesn't matter since you give them citizenship like pringles.

“Return to normal”

It's just because you shouldn't expect to buy a house in the big cities. Personally, I'm gonna buy a piece of land for $10k in bumfuck nowhere province and retire in a cabin.

The graph only applies without the abhorrent manipulation we are watching governments do, the pump has only just begun.

Move to the country. As far from the city as you can. You will thank me later

Yep like clockwork

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Wouldn't surprise me. I live in Winnipeg, and the 2008 recession was barely noticeable, the economic boom we've supposedly been in up until 2020 was barely noticeable, and our housing prices have just been slowly rising over the last 30 years by small margins each year. Nothing is ever really good or really bad here, just steadily mediocre. I could see Vancouver, Toronto and Alberta's housing markets dipping though. A house that would cost $200k here would be like $1-1.5mil there (CAD), which is just retarded. And the Alberta oil industry is getting totally shit on by cheap oil. But most of flyover Canada will remain mostly unaffected.

Do you recommend buying a house in Winnipeg?

I dont recommend buying a house in Canada, fucking move.

Yea OK well what country should we all move to then? The us? China? Africa?

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>you thought you were ever going to be able to buy a home at a fair price? ha ha ha

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If you have a job here already or are looking for a rental property maybe. The housing market is at all-time high here, but prices wont really drop through the floor because relatively the prices are lower than most other places, and people aren't overleveraged on their mortgages so interest rate increases dont ruin people. Its not the best seller market desu, but for rental properties its really good. There's more people looking for rental properties here than there are properties available, so you can get a house with an $800-900 mortgage and rent it for $1200-$1500. There's also lots of really nice, older duplexes that you can make a fucking killing off of if you get them fixed up (or have a tenant pay your mortgage).

Newly constructed properties here don't really interest me. They're either overpriced, or mass produced, cramped areas (ie, houses basically touching eachother, tiny yard, every house looks the same) that are just made to sell to middle eastern/indian immigrants

The "journalists" that write these don't know shit and the articles are worthless. They always quote industry shills with vested interests.

No doubt the article is completely empty of any quantitative analysis of mortgage delinquencies or reduced demand.

I second this. In my late 20s, I wish so badly that I'd stayed put in a comfy medium or smaller city. Rural even.

And yet you've still decided to breed and give your offspring a shitty life because you are a mindless coomer


In all honesty if I was born in Canada I would’ve gotten US citizenship years ago
Just come here, get a blue collared job, and buy a decent house located in the ghetto
Buy an AK-47 & tell the niggers to fuck off

haha eat shit zoomer. no house for you. keep paying rent like a good cuck

Yeah, it's because you kept your boomers alive and borders open to chinese buyers. Are you proud of your compassion?

Feeling the same
>it's all OK boomers, don't sell now