I have 1 btc 32 eth 6K link and an uncertain amount of zano.
Am I gonna make it?
I have 1 btc 32 eth 6K link and an uncertain amount of zano
Yeah; but you're lying
sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together
Based Uncle Joe. Reminder, the bourgeoisie will one day be defeated.
No I am not lying.
And I also have some BCHSV lol
Bump for 1200€ bsv EOY
Says the jewish bourgoise elite to their goyim host society.
Israel has no right to exist
neither do jews
Anyway those modern zionist are hebrews. Yehuds, jews, are extinct.
how is this unrealistic? disregarding zano because it's pointless
Lol start selling half of that you really need some UND user
Only if you sell your eth for btc
I have 70 percent btc 30 percent link
Btc will get traction after the halvening and reach 100k this year
LINK will move up to cmc spot 3.
Eth is too much vitalik the pedo
but keep accumulating link towards 10k, itll net you more btc
was stalin brown? he looks like's iraqi or afghan
Why und? And where?
Why btc and not bsv?
no one is buying bsv you indian
You are wrong on both of your claims
And for zano on all of your claims
You will make it, into the ovens.
Yes. As a builder of them for the forth reich
Jay bharat
Sell your BTC + ETH for lower cap shitcoins. If BTC / ETH go up, they will go up 500%. Don't you get this by now?
Get some ARPA.
I had to look that up to find out its a greeting in hindi. Youre a kike, I know how to smell em.
I’m not a kike, you nigger.
And what Else?!
>posts Stalin
>has BSV
>euro (slav country)
>takes offense at anti-Jewish sentiment and focuses on Israel because globalist bolshevik
>denies Jews are a thing absolving them of blame
>shilling BSV despite creg admitting hes a fraud
>when bolshevism is attacked, resorts to red herring pajeet accusation
Youre a Jew, blooded or honorary.
BCH, LTC, DASH. Monero for actual usage.
ok nigger
what's your ethnicity
Hehe. Indoeuropean. Aryan. You don’t like it? Stiff