Retire in Thailand for 150k

Small apt with shared pool within 2km of beach:
food per month

Attached: thai-beaches-hero-.jpg (1800x1200, 240.15K)

Sounds comfy I guess but I have a family and pets and don't really like warm weather.

Cost of living will increase.
And afaik in a lot of Asian countries you can not own the land as a foreigner

Retiring isn't actually fun. You need a mission and new goals in life. You have to keep moving forward, you have to buy DERO user

You need to marry a ladyboy if you wanna buy property there mate

Its not about retiring. When I was there I went to the gym everyday at 8am. Work online from 10-12.
Beach 12.30-16.00

Work 16-20
20h nap.
22-2.00 party time

Something like this. Best year of my life

ok we get it, you want to fuck trannies

how do you live their?

Do you have to marry a local for them to let you stay or is bribery effective?

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Was pusy easy

I live here. It is a bad idea.


I've got enough to retire now at 30. But only working from home for a week during Corona I've noticed that I would kill myself if I retired. I need shit to do.

Thanks for the details, faggot

>party till 2AM
>get up at 8AM

user 6 hours of sleep is barely enough, and if you got to the gym by 8 you probably slept even less!

This. You'd be better off retiring into europe. I am thinking of some shithole like romania or some better countries like spain or portugal.

>party til 2am
>wake up 8am
No alcohol or are you one of those lucky motherfuckers who don't get a hangover

Yeah I'd rather retire in Andorra or some shit. Granted it'll cost more.

>And afaik in a lot of Asian countries you can not own the land as a foreigner
Get citizenship?

Not really because asian countries are getting more and more expensive

Find a passionate hobby like music, something you can devote your life to. Don't be one of those boring fucks that just works till he dies,f ind something worthwhile.

political risk

Questions exist for a reason. If you want details. I'll answer.

Okay, why does it suck to live in THailand, ELABORATE.

Living here doesn't suck per se. A few years here is a very enjoyable experience.
Long term or retirement is retarded.
Thai people are extremely xenophobic and nationalist.
They're absolutely wonderful but you're a guest and an oddity. You will never be accepted here. Thai culture is violently alien to anything you've experienced before. You'll almost certainly hate them and think they're cunts. They're not, they're actually wonderful but their culture is different and unless you can adapt to it, you'll despise them. Their language is extremely difficult. There is an insane amount of corruption etc.
At some point the government will seize rich foreigners money and kick them out.
You have no tangible guarantees here.
If you want to spend a few years training Muay Thai or scuba diving, knock yourself out.
But the local attitude towards foreigners becomes worse every year. Government ministers are already grumbling about how they should ban foreign people.

Basically impossible. Citizenship in most Asian countries requires decades. Thailand you have to be a resident in Thailand working and paying taxes for 10 years before you can start the process. It takes a lot of money, fluentcy in Thai, you have to do several interviews in Thai and sing the Thai national anthem all perfectly in Thai. The whole process takes about 25 years and even then they'll never accept you as one of them.

Lived there half a year after college. Was exhausting at the end. The first months were all fun, easy women, cheap scuba, food... then reality hunts you. Everybody hates you for some reason (well, you have more money than them and spend the day fucking their women so I don't blame them). Gov hate you, cops hate you, other expats will stab you on the back if you are doing better than them. Visa runs are A PAIN IN THE ASS, you can lose everything if you have bad luck with a cop.

And the most important reason. Thailand is x10 more expensive than 5 years ago.

There are other SEA countries better to live a few years doing nothing. Last year was in cambodia and vietnam a couple of months and I had way better vibes there.

Lmao based but buy ARPA too I unironically hold both.

Problem is Tai people look like a 10% upgrade from insectoid chinks. And I don't like fucking trannies so it's a no from me.

Yeah could be that there is better places. Open to that.
Yeah I dont drink alcohol when I am out. I dont trust their alcohol.

Its more about the idea of nice weather, a lot of free time, good food, etc. No cage wageslave. Also dont care that much about being accepted. Girls a quite hot and extremely easy if youre white blueeyed and fit. Just play the bf game for an hour. Bang them and kick them out.

Honestly dont see a lot of downside. I dont need to own land. Just a corner apt in a condo. They go for 40-50k

Both these anons are correct. I’ve been here for longer than I care to admit.
They omitted the visa bullshit here. Good luck getting a visa for longer than a year or two unless you’re over 50 and qualify for a retirement visa. Either you pay ridiculous amounts for someone to fix your visa annually, or get perpetual runaround as immigration constantly moves the goalposts of the visa requirements. I hear Cambodia and Vietnam are more comfy these days.

Lol tjey sound like cunts, i trained muay thai and watched alot of videos on thailand. I seen the thai baht increase dramatically compared to aud over the years. Was one of the first things i wanted to invest in but didnt think it would stay like that. Looks dangerous too, cant drink the water without getting a bug and they are really savages that will rip you off, always be a target to those smiling assassins.


Kek like any fucking stinky linky incel bizlets can afford to buy land fucking anywhere

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People on this board are retarded

your living my dream op. Do you have telegram? Would be nice to talk to you a bit if you are up for it @wildparker