Daily reminder that Larry from Ebay exit scammed and sold fake meme coins. He was also a fed and if you bought a batboi meme coin from him you just fucked yourself and they have your address.
Jayden Davis
youtube.com/watch?v=jtvWiVVefa4 >This week we review the price movements of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium amid the current market conditions. As the economy sits on the brink, gold continues to climb getting closer to its all time highs. Will additional economic stimulus and radical moves from the Fed have an impact on the volatile equities markets? tldr: gold is 9% from its all time nominal high in USD
18512881 lol
Parker Price
Gold Not silver gold
Samuel Torres
its going to be 3K in 12 months fool money supply and velocity
Cooper Butler
a lot of gold and silver on ebay is fake, from china and ebay profits from it, they never remove fake sellers of forged maples eagles etc even though its actual forery of deminated face value currency pieces buy hallmaked gold and silver at estate auction
youtube.com/watch?v=a9S1rA5EhGg Begging For Secrecy: CME COMEX LBMA Covering Up Defaults >record exchange-for-physical in april >comex short on 100 toz bars >partners with lbma to offer "fractional ownership" of 400 toz london bars >comex gets us government to sheild it from FOIA, freedom of information act
would be interesting
Adam Cruz
Anyone who buys silver on eBay is dented friend, let them have there meme coins
Alexander Campbell
I dropped nearly 4k on ebay the other day because it was cheaper than the usual big name bullion places at the time. Dont ignore ebay friend. Big sellers who also have ebay accounts dont update their listings that fast. Also came with 3 day guaranteed shipping.
Jason Howard
I am a stacklet, with only a modest stack of silver eagles, but I gotta say /pmg/ have got to be the best threads on biz. Anyway, should I buy rolls of random eagles or ASE? If it really as simple as ASEs being more expensive but having better liquidity maybe I should start stacking them next.
Jordan Peterson
Doubt it was even possible to manufacture counterfeit meme coins as they just came out two months ago.
Jeremiah Campbell
When will we hit the fabled legendary low silver to gold ratio so we can trade in our gentlemens currency for the currency of kings?
If I were to stack silver, which I dont because I believe 100% in the federal reserve and fiat debt based system, but if I did stack silver, I would focus mainly on american silver/gold eagles and other USA based official minted coins, then meme rounds and bars.
Dominic Gomez
>random eagles or ASE? do you mean random year ASE or just silver rounds with a similar design? if you get random year ASEs you more often than not get older coins in BU, brilliant circulated condition. current year they can charge a few dollars more per roll because collectors want the new hot shit. you kinda get what you pay for. gov minted coins cost more but are more sought after
Juan Gonzalez
I can't find anything cheaper than 22€ for an eagle currently and in most places shit is sold out. Pretty much a very high price. Should I buy anyway? I don't think we will see much of a price explosion within the next few months. Feels like I missed out
Lincoln Butler
Well, US mints are closed, at least West Point is. And some mines are closed too. Demand is high and supply is low and US minting capacity for ASE and AGE are handicapped. Paper fags are seething and desperately trying to get physical metals instead of jewish I.O.U.'s as the world economy takes a huge shit and governments print unlimited money.
Make of it what you will.
Brayden Phillips
Gold price is crashing down at breakneck speed, as Harry Dent was predicting. It failed to break $1750, and we now have a $65 drop in one day to $1686. Gold bugs cannot blame it on margin-calls this time.
"right when everyone's so bullish on gold, when you can't even buy physical gold---it will just suddenly go down, just like a few months into 2008. Over 33%. Silver went down 50%."
Silver dropped to $8 at that time then shot up to $50. I imagine gold then did the same. Now today you have to take into consideration paper homosexuals that fell for jewish tricks about not owning physical, worlds economy crashing and coming to a halt, a wold wide chink pandemic, high demands, low spots, high premiums despite low spots, low supply, mints closing, mines closing, and so on.
If silver dropped 50% to $8 in 2008 during a measly "recession" then shot to $50 later on, what do you think gold and silver will do during these times under these circumstances?
Adam Perez
This and dent is a faggot
Evan Moore
>made up numbers, hasnt dipped under 1700usd all week >25% thumbs down video >dent getting SAVAGED in his own comment section
The only physical that you can't get right now is coins. You can buy good delivery bars close to spot. On GoldMoney or BullionVault I can buy silver in London for $15.40 right now and take immediate physical delivery. Where is the true shortage?
Silver already had its 50% drop. Where is the strength it ought to be showing now?
Aiden Hill
Ah, he goes on about everyone being bullish. No, only a few thousand with deep pockets are buying phyz. Dudes a try hard Martin Armstrong.
Caleb Davis
how many people have over 15 thousand usd to just drop on metal? last year less than 40% of americans have a grand in the bank to cover an emergency. constitutional silver and ASEs are on fire. mints and mines are closed. the supply chain is broken now. you can take a 1000 ounce bar and sell it to a minter, for barely over spot, because they do the work and press out finished products. theres always that one guy whos dense and youre the Osmium boi of these threads