Is Idena a Good Buy or Just a Waste of Money?

Should I buy in or wait or never touch this? Your take anons?

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dyor. the current thread up is a good place to start since it lists pros and cons. read the manifesto on the site, then the pitch deck if you're still interested. not convincing you to buy or sell, just spoonfeeding you the basics so you dont receive shitty advice otherwise.

Only BTC isn't a scam.

not sell but you get the idea. it's been a long day desu, been up for 16 hours.

hobby dev coin that's gonna bleed 80% from here? yea, nah. just buy kleros.

get some of this and some PNK and you will make it

the kleros shills are out of control. the nervos spammer deleted his post too. this is the problem with asking about coins, pajeets will just shit on the coin you asked about and shill their own. read general threads or stick to reading site info OP. sage

Have read these. Can the network sustain its growth for longer periods or the growth would die soon? Because people have a habit of loosing interest after validations if they think price is not good. Whats your opinion about price and network growth? Suppose if price does not increase with network, wont people just loose interest at the end?

>Along with Idena being an absolute piece of useless shit with no usecase is it also an exit scam?
There, I fixed the thread title for you dude.

>Suppose if price does not increase with network, wont people just loose interest at the end?
Some will, some will get addicted to watching magic internet money counter go up in the Idena client.

I think as per my research it does not fit in there as you said. As an investment I am still guessing...

>Because people have a habit of loosing interest after validations if they think price is not good
(((Citation needed))). network has been sustaining upwards of 30% growth in nodes each validation, and more candidates activate their nodes than don't. it's still in testnet, the coin wasn't even supposed to be listed until Q4 but qTrade listing + Yas Forums shilling has catapulted the number of nodes on the network, and rewards are also lower than they were a month ago. plenty of other variables to consider as well (see other thread). mcap/liquidity are both low if you're only interested in short-medium term profits. mining is literally no cost, might as well do it. even paying for a $5 vpn will net you at least $80 or $90 profit/month at just current barebones token value.

OK, so what of price? What do you guess where the price would go then??

Hmmmm interesting. $80 or $90 profit/month. Really? how so?

~20/DNA per day mining at current # of nodes, ~30/DNA for created flips each (after first validation), and ~30/DNA per validation. adds up pretty fast, and it just takes a. waking up every 12 days (at this point) to basically solve some captchas (I'm east coast so it's not too difficult desu) and b. leaving an old shitty laptop on in the corner.

Right now price is at $0.12 on qTrade and you can mine 17 a day, that's 510 a month or $66. The issue is that with every new identity mining rewards go down, and price hasn't picked up yet. We'll see how it evolves

is it already at 17? last calculation I saw was 21. im 4 epochs in which might be why, but I havent really bothered to get an exact count per day

21 was last epoch, it’s 17.3 or so atm
im using VPS node and literally can forget about it for days at a time now

checkem, also math was off on flips. this past epoch I received 90 DNA for 4 flips submitted although one was weakly qualified (I know faggots, my bad, only 3/12 got it wrong though)
ive been meaning to get one but my internet is pretty flawless tbqh. but ill have to start remembering current rewards, I got hit with my second mining penalty a couple days ago and it was only 6. my first one shortly after my first validation was double that

who is behind this shit? after the nulink exit scam i absolutely refuse to ever consider a shitcoin with random discord trannies as CEOs.

"idena developers" gives no results on google

the website seems like a bunch of tranny nonsense gibberish. doesn't state the purpose of the coin.

go the fuck away with this scam shit pajeets

>nulinker mad he got exit scammed for buying a LINK knockoff designed to take money from newfags
anything you say is low iq and irrelevant, please go back to whatever god forsaken containment thread you came from

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If that is the case then its looking good desus. So it means after every validation the rewards would keep decreasing for each new member. It means there would be some kind of price pressure upwards. So price should increase. Has it after past sessions? Whats the stats on this? Mind sharing Senpais

Buys into literal copies of existing coins- not scam
free token which requires an average IQ,and an internet connection to mine- scam
Ok, buddy

More, whats the actual circulating supply of this coin? Some say its less some say more.I looked at the Coinwatch and its says 50 million and market cap is already 8 million.its too much already desus. Any info on this

>go the fuck away with this scam shit pajeets
What do you mean really? Website is good, a lot to take in...not sure about developers and why they are not open, not sure, maybe its good becuase some other projects also have no public developers like Suny king...And what the hell is nulink?

the price surge to 3k sats was when spy and btc were shitting the bed peak global bear market and a little bit after a whale market buy. price has stabilized to about 1800-2200 in the past couple of weeks if you look at the 2 week chart on qTrade. nothing significant in price has happened after validations, in part due to mining being mostly locked in stake until 3 full validations or terminating identity. if you make it those 3 epochs, most people are more invested in building their stack than selling it for peanuts. i think some people dump their mined tokens, but the more interesting thing is the whales that are accumulating steadily over time (just look in Idena Trading discord at the bots and at the addresses, 10k DNA withdrawals from qTrade at a time to 100k+ addresses). too much incentive just to hold at this point and wait it out for further development. it's still highly speculative but im comfy and pretty confident, although im trying to view it mostly realistically and not too emotionally.

i think last i heard it was 10-11M. diluted mcap is 8m. mcap is 2m. refer to for diluted mcap and for actual mcap.

>(just look in Idena Trading discord at the bots and at the addresses, 10k DNA withdrawals from qTrade at a time to 100k+ addresses)
meant the telegram, not discord

I just mine it because it doesn't use much of resources, like POS, so you can run it on laptop and rewards are still pretty high so nothing to lose. And also getting validation rewards from validation sessions. For me the project looks average, the 1 node = 1 human thing is pretty cool really, a lot of possibilities of use cases, and devs shared some nice ideas as well. I'm just gonna hold them for now

i didn't buy nulink, im not fucking retarded lol. My point is exactly to compare this shitcoin to nulink. Anonymous discord tranny developers, some generic website with a really shitty/nonexistent/generic premises. It all checks lol. You faggots never learn.

youre perfectly entitled to feel that way. refer to the last sentence of . if it was a nonexistent/shitty premise, then why is Bill Gates trying to do it, but instead of being decentralized/trustless, tagging everyone like a cow for vaccines and who knows what else? and pow and pos have enough flaws, this is different than pretty much anything in crypto. hence why it’s still a risky investment but the upside from simply mining beats whatever the fuck youre suggesting.

If 2 mn then it is good but why the circulating supply is 8 million on coinwatch? Is that wrong figure? if Yes then why its not corrected by the project?

More if it is 10-11M then mc should be 1.5 million and not 2 M. Correct