the devs didn't really exit scam did they?
The devs didn't really exit scam did they?
>he believed the Yas Forums fud
>he panic sold
never gonna make it
Is it ogre or is it fud? What's up with the logo change and SKY changing his name?
wait this was real?
fucking rofl to whoever bought this fucking scam
yeah the dev exit scammed last night, i'm absolutely fucking devastated.
i put my life savings into this, fuck.
i'm going to kill myself
just memeing, the discord does this shit all the time to freak out biz, generates talk about the token which for crypto it doent matter if the news is positive or negative. Its literally just a meme to shake out weak hands
we are all laughing at you
Join their discord and laugh at them.
Serious question: how could they exit scam when there's about 200 bucks in daily volume? Not even Indians are that poor
absolute morons cannot believe you bought into it !
check the etherscan bros, nobody big has moved shit, still well over 100 wallets with + 2mm tokens
i cannot believe you got scammed!
i fucking cant believe it i sold my car for this
No one here was fooled. It was only the same memeing nulinkers having a circle jerk and laugh, same as it ever was
I'd like to hear from someone that was actually tricked into buying this trash.
kek, nunulinkers getting memed on by nulinkers. good FUD guys, I’m proud of you! XD
the same people making up this exit scam FUD desu
Hey man you believed in it, and no one can take that from you.
fucking moron lol sky dumped cuz of bub lol
WTF this was a real thing??
i'm lawyering up
you will give me my money back, one way or another
the dev is a coke addict he exit scammed and overdosed two weeks ago
huh??? exit scam?? how?
did this thing actually have a market cap?
First time posting in these shit threads for once
>their faces when they bought (((nulink)))
Dont fucking (you) I got fucking scammed too
Okay, so I want to believe you, but it doesn't even make sense that you ever could have put that much money into this coin with zero volume, tons of sellers, and no buyers.
you aint doing shit u got scammed lol
Why because of bub
im not sure but bub is a real asshole
sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together