Up to 21 million people who used tax-filing services like H&R Block, TurboTax...

>Up to 21 million people who used tax-filing services like H&R Block, TurboTax, and Jackson Hewitt faced a delay receiving their stimulus checks to their bank accounts because the Internal Revenue Service did not have their direct-deposit information, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

>Consumer-law expert Vijay Raghavan told The Post the hiccup occurred because the IRS did not have direct-deposit information for people if they got an advance on their tax refund or if they had their tax prep fee pulled out of their refund.

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Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Anyone who takes an advance or pays for processing with their refund deserves what they get.

Glad I use my own accountant. Trumpbux came in yestersay

I used TurboTax’s free filing service (because I’m a 20 year old with a shitty retail) and my trumpbux still haven’t been deposited yet

Anyone who has a basic return and goes to one of these scam artist preparers is a moron.


LOL. The "I want my money NOW!" crowd got fucked? LAWL.

Got my refunds last week, and trump check yesterday. I don't have to deal with taxes for another year, and the cash is safe and tucked away, until I decide what to do with it. (won't be anything crypto, faggots)
I haven't lived check to check in years. Feels good. Have fun being assblasted for being financially spastic.

I didn't do my taxes the last few years because I just didn't feel like it.

>have installment plan because I owe income tax
>irs directly withdraws my payment from my bank every month
Do I really have to send them my info? Do they really not know which account I want it deposited in?


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How do you have a job being this stupid?

>owe taxes
>payment plan

Seriously, who hired you? They'll hire anyone. I want in. Easy money.

you got notices and offers to make other arrangements well before this

pay your debts faggot

i actually found this to be stimulative

Maybe you should start paying your taxes, kek.

Incel: "S-urely dey IRS would not notice that I owe dem da munnies?"

Uncle Sam: "Fuck you, pay me."


LAWL. Fucking retards.

PS - Reddit spacing for even more spicy butthurt. Put some ice on it, Champ.

I use turbo tax and got my stimulus check yesterday. But for the first time ever my tax refund is still processing and am given no date for my refund. It's been over 23 days

Attached: derp.png (578x260, 26.52K)

I owe IRS $500, filed with TurboTax, and received $1200 yesterday.

>t. Bootlicker

It's possible your Trump check was processed first. But I've read elsewhere, especially on social media, of people getting back taxes taken out.

Mommy claimed you, huh? LOL.

The day you file isn't when the clock starts, it's when the Fed accepts it. Turbo tax will notify you of when. It's usually around 3 weeks, and they issue the funds on fridays, so you could very possibly get it tomorrow. They're slammed right now, so just wait. I got mine in about 3 weeks, I filed a month ago, and got my refund last week.

> Changed bank accounts two years ago
> Stimulus check went to that old bank account
> No way to tell the IRS what my bank account is now - they call it "fraud protection."
Fuck this gay stimulus.

ya but the thing is I filed 3/24 and was accepted the next day. I've already received my state refund

State means fuck all when it comes to the fed. There's no guaranteed time frame for it to show up. *Average* wait time is 3 weeks - that means it can be faster, or slower. Put on your big boy waiting pants, if they accepted your return, it will show up. The IRS is a little fucking busy right now trying to keep up with lazy fucks who waited until the last minute to apply for trumpbux.

i e-filed with h&r block, they have my account and routing number the fucking faggots

ok thank you my good sir

I got mine and my wife's in my account

so did I, learned last night that’s not an acceptable way for them to retrieve your information. You’ll still have to access the IRS thing and give them your information or you won’t get the money. Make sure the address is for the correct tax return, i got locked out that way.

turbotax: free
irs tool: 20$+ and they keep rejecting it. I guess i am a moron cause i should’ve stuck with turbotax.

newsflash: get ur taxes done by a fucking live jew at h&r block, sit down with him, he has to have worked for 20 years. i got mine two days ago

Should I use the Non-filers option? I’m locked out of the other portal

only if you didn’t file 2018 or 19. I had to wait 24 hours as well after two tries, it sucks just make sure all the info is consistent with the tax return you’re referencing letter for letter.

Thanks user

For the people who actually got into that stupid “get my payment” portal, did you hyphenate your social security number?