FOX News is killing it's viewers

I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

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The entire South is going to sacrifice themselve for their indignant GEOTUS. perfect.

Violating these retarded lockdowns by authoritarian power tripping governors is pretty based.

If the (((experts))) had their way, you would never get to leave your home ever again, and they would be legally allowed to abduct your children for testing and (((experimentation))).

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lolwut. the virus is only affecting shitlibs in NY

Do you not know how viruses work? I hope all you faggots die.

Exhibit A: this retard unironically has months to live.

OP are you lost? Yas Forums is over there.

Explain to me again how killing off all the retards that listen to trump about the virus is bad. This is a net win for America and the world.

Go back then. That place is full of retards that are going to kill themselves and their associates off by listening to lying politicians

This isn't your tranny discord where you get to shit up the place your stinky leftoid cope.

Out out out!

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I didn't say it was bad. But they are going to take innocent people down with them.

lmao an actual q-tard on Yas Forums

If this fuckimg thing goes on to 2022, I will move to fucking kansas where I can buy 50 acres for $100, and ill just work from home. Fuck it.

found another.. can I have your coins when you are dead in 3 weeks? please go outside.. seriously, it's a hoax, you will be fine. This is fucking amazing. You trumptard brainlets are literally going to kill yourselves off FOR US. fucking perfect

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I mean that's not optimal, and hopefully most people with a brain will get themselves out of the way.

Retard. It's about choice and liberty. Hopefully you are killed so you can be banned from life.


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>He fell for the corona psyop

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You have 3 weeks to live.


Problem is for choice and liberty to work, the public have to be fed the correct information from the beginning to be order to make their own decisions

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hi, im governor gretchen whitler. im going to ban random shit just because i can regardless of whether or not they make sense. if you don't like it you're a bad person and are actively trying to spread disease and kill people!

these two morons want you to believe you should fear a virus that is no worse than the flu and has been falsely attributed to a large number of deaths because of a political power grab and economical ponzi

dance dance revolution: covid-boogaloo

wow brave and amazing. true heroes. lets give them all a $25000 raise

>veri scari birus

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so brave

I have like 50 of these hospital dance videos.

Hospitals everywhere are EMPTY because coronavirus is a psyop, so roasties can't help themselves from choreographing dance sessions for attention on a Chinese communist party propaganda app.

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Your fish tank cleaner is ready

It's like a warzone out here I tell ya

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It's very scary outside goyim. Never go out again goyim. Let professionals handle this extremely deadly plague!

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>it's like WW2 out there, #StayHomeStayAlive #SocialDistancing

i can believe it. why would the government or news lie to me?

Better pay up, nurses are being traumatized by so much death and disease

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I love this. Keep pumping each other up and go have some protests like they did in ohio. you all really can't get sick and die soon enough