Why do normies get to have everything handed to them when I have to work for minimum wage

why do normies get to have everything handed to them when I have to work for minimum wage

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If this is accepted, how will it affect me as a third worlder who holds 50k dollars in cash?

Your cash will get increasingly worthless.

If this passes I'm buying a party hat on RuneScape with it

buy gold and silver. now.

If this passes I’m throwing most of it into gold, silver, and crypto. The dollar will go down the fucking toilet

>tfw the elites are trying to purchase guillotine insurance from the public

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cant believe they are crashing our currency with no survivors, universal basic income in the ultimate political weapon, Trump fired the first volley and now Democrats are falling all over themselves to try and bribe people overtly, outright with increased benefits. This is the road that leads to hyperinflation

Honk honk

Lmao this

Don't know how anyone else doesn't see this

>now Democrats

I thought they could not get anything passed?


Oh shit. Youre right

This shit would fucking destroy the value of the dollar. Everybody get your cash together and get ready to put it all in crypto and precious metals.

no it won't brainlet stop browsing pol

dude, buy fucking gold right fucking now lol

chekt, but who gives a fuck. if cash gets worthless, that will effect rich kikes the most, which is a good thing

Sell your USD quickly.

>Printing and handing out shit tons of money to everybody won't cause hyperinflation
Are you fucking retarded? I don't use Yas Forums, and I don't need to use Yas Forums to understand the simplest of economics. This is grade school shit, fucking moron.

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dilate jackass

digits check!

Look up the dollar milkshake theory retard.

Well, "rich kikes" aren't retarded enough to have most of their money in cash. An increase in the money supply usually leads to an increase in stock prices.

wrong, there will be extreme cost push inflation. the very wealthy will be the only ones able to afford anything. have you ever heard of the cargo cults? groups of islanders who received supply drops from British planes during wartime but then stopped. They would build replica planes afterward for years, thinking that building these planes would make the goods return. That's what will happen under this plan, except we will be printing fancy looking paper instead of making planes out of sticks. start lowering your expectations drastically.

>to understand the simplest of economics.

This isn't the simplest of economics

so all you have to do is not carry a lot of cash either, and you'll do great. i just don't see the problem.

your money will be increasingly worthless.. If you hold dollars you need to dump them now.

you convert your dollars into precious metals so you can still maintain wealth while the dollar collapses

retard... like the current brrrrr isn't already doing that. throw your electronic devices in the nearest river

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>More dollars circulated
>Value of each dollar becomes less
Pretty simple.

Explain how my incredibly advanced and complicated theory above is wrong. I smell a samefag.

wont get it if your a dependent or college student

Shut up incel its just the flu

Cope incel. The shoe is on the other hand, yes?