/smg/ - stock market general

* clack * * clack * * clack * edition


>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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>Hello. What’s going on?
>BASED DEPARTMENT? I know you guys are in the middle of an orgy right now and i PROFOUNDLY apologize for interrupting sir, but it’s an EMERGENCY!
>A-alright sir... It’s just that... It seems that RTX stocks just dumped, sir!
>WHAT??!!!! Hold on.

15 minutes later

>Hello, this is broker-san how can i help you?
>This is gigachad 1, from based department.
>GIGACHAD FROM THE B-BASED DEPARTMENT?!? Y-you mean... THE gigachad from THE based department?? P-PLEASE TELL ME HOW CAN I HELP YOU SIR!


>Transfer 5000 more shares of RTX to my account.
>Y-yes... give me a second.
>Thank you.
>With pleasure sir!

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who here ready for the PG rocket ship?

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Any ETFs for baby product industry?

Buy tankers, hang pedos

I feel like the same people trying to pump JCP are the same people trying to pump RTX

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SBA was the biggest scam so far out of this crisis

what's the best way of easing myself into calls and puts
seems more intimidating than other investment choices even though it probably is dirt easy

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What you guys think about RRR and MGM ?

Hug pedos, short tankers

JNUG has been very good to me.
Still up overall.

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Kayla Tauche is married.

Nvm my girl meg is on

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Thoughts on fractional share investing?

stay mad

Is it too late to buy JCP?

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Sell otm calls all day for free money

Just got off the IRS website, I'm not getting a stimulus. I only wanted one so I could frame the check and keep it as a historical piece anyways. Oh well.

The people trying to pump JCP couldn't buy 2 shares of RTX tho

I have a meager 25, I hope their earnings are good.

I'll give her a vaccine if ya know what I'm sayin ;)

>tfw yesterday liquidated all my NET to buy the BA dip

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Retarded robinhood magic. Just buy a normal stock.

Quick! What do I buy before Trump speaks! Market might pump against my expectations of crash, I am clueless in this landscape because nothing is moving aside from things at ATH or near them.

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I love tech stocks. I'm up 20% in 2 weeks

I made over 100k last year i

And how we doing today /smg/?

R u 2 poor to buy amazon lmao?

>one -0.40% selloff day and bobos sperg

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Try a consumer staple sector ETF

>Buying BA
You really are dumb.

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I bought into RTX at $65 and I'm so fucking mad

Also: why are people shilling KOS? I cannot fathom why anyone would ever get it even below a dollar. There are much better opportunities right now or am I crazy?

You guys think the market dumps on this Trump speech tonight?

An easy way to take money from poor people

Guys what is happening to tailored brands? I thought Michael Burry would make me rich? Where is my money Michael? Give me my money back!

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What do I do with my sqqq shares. I have 20 at $22


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no, dump your life savings into it right now, it'll be funny




oil bros time to buy some bags? looking at XOM and MRO. i have a feeling orangeman gonna bless us

Were you asleep Monday and Wednesday?

-54.7% but at least I still have my balls and my word.


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Tbh market opening in early may is priced in. That is not really going to happen. There us no upwards potential, huge downwards risk.

However I assume retards are going try to pump it during trump speech.

I bought at 8.22

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Trump is going to make a public speech tonight from the White House?


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So one last time, I have a put that expires in the money. Do I have to pay for 100 shares? Yes or no.

Gotta love this:
GE, Ford sign $336 million federal contract to make ventilators for coronavirus outbreak

GE stock reaction?
Falls some more.

pretty sad people can't distinguish organized pumping to off load bags in this thread from actual legit picks

>international students getting stimilus
>dead people getting check
>illegal immigrant getting checks
>op not getting trumpbux

Spxs overnight!??
Take profits?!!?

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>investing in favela monkies
oh noooo nonononono

XOM MRO AND KOS after 1 year holy shit mad profits

send me a screeny faggot i'm on my phone

- yeah that is never a guarantee with even the most financially secure companies.
- I am aware that dividends are slashed first, but after everything is done, say three or five years down the line, wont things attempt to 'return to normal' ?
-Yeah, I get that.

Say I buy 1000 shares of stock X for $10 during the crash, which because of the prior dividend return is calculated at 15% (1.5/10). Three years later the market value returns to its prior average of $30 a share. Assuming the dividend returns to its precrash levels, it would be at 5% a share (1.5/30) but it would still be 15% of my principle (1500/10000).

I understand this takes some massive fucking assumptions: the company will be able to return to normal that soon, dividends will be brought back to precrash levels, that status quo will be maintained that far into the future.

How do I short my own life?

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are these fuckers about to go under?

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So you think RTX is shit and KOS is good?


My governor already said were not opening until June. I take that as extremely bearish.


priced in

i-it can't possibly dump any more than this though right? right?

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It's the right to SELL 100 shares. If you don't have 100 shares to SELL you're going to need to BUY them first

Makes sense though. If they're tied up doing things not related to their primary income, of course their earnings are expected to go down, hence stock should go down.

lmao get fucked

I'm up a buck 25 already.

Holy fuck

Shit's going down.

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Trumps speech is going to cause a huge dump.

I'm Mike Penceopoulos and I approve of this message.

>buying the womyn stronk meme of oil stocks

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oilanon said that if you really wanna risk it, buy in at $5 for potential massive gains.

can you tell me your reasoning ?
/smg/ been wrning from boeing since all this covid-19 shit started

nah buying tons now

If you BOUGHT the put, ie you PAID a premium for it, then when it expires ITM, your broker should automatically exercise the option

i got lucky today being a retard. tell me what to do for tomorrow besides kms

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Under your assumptions, you are exactly right, you will be making a killing off dividend yield alone.


Big money shorting them. I've already posted the interview itt when some faggot kept pumping it. They're going to follow CHK

Because it only says they are desperate as fuck for a bailout.

Is that bad? Why would people put their money into bonds when the stock market is so close to a V shaped recovery!

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>It cant go down more
Bruh, the whole fucking market is about to crash.


im still pissed at JNUG because i bought it too early, lost a lot on that piece of shit. i bought early march thinking gold was going to moon after corona hit america but that shit collapsed like fucking crazy

Berkshire has got its cock deep in that corpse.

In a way. Those are new sources of revenue. And thus contribute to higher earnings than had they not. Oh well I'm buying up more GE as it is.

god fucking damn it user. we bobos r all crying together. It seems like they're killing the shorts position so that no one makes money except top execs. they get hefty bonuses and lay everyone off, and we lose our wageys

my shit is already dumping....

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Now you're just confusing me dude

>he felt personally attacked by a post attacking pedos

you are so fucking retarded, kill urself. if you sold to open and it expires in the money, your collateral will be taken when someone executes. i'm guessing you bought a put, which means robinhood will just sell the contract automatically since you're retarded and poor.


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Any decent person would want to hang pedos. Interesting you don't tho

Can confirm. Just took a huge dump

thanks for the heads up. she really looks great on a webcam, looking directly into the camera with those big eyes, and the soft lighting... best girl.

moment of truth

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You eat them

Is it too late to buy JCP or should I buy RVP after getting the government contract?

Short dumb pedo scum

Please explain what this is and what this means? Thanks fren. I'm used to buying and trading shit coins.

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I think May is priced in as well, but pump may happen anyways. Despite states saying they refuse to open. Which I believe isn't priced in. And Fauci saying he doesn't want to open in May. Which shouldn't be priced in. Honestly Trump is the only one who wants to reopen.

But I am concerned about oil since Trump has a hard on for it despite it not appealing to voters. I just wanna hedge because I am very short overall.

Only Trump wants to reopen. JPM analyst or someone let his tongue slip like 2 days ago and went as far as saying he doesn't think May will happen and it will most likely be June or July, possibly even August. Trump is going to cause wave 2 of corona outbreaks to happen because he refuses to listen and lose the stock market which he hinged his campaign on by bragging about. This is all politics, not a shred of logic in these decisions.

I expect crashing. Why limit order staggered lower when i think it will continue? I just want something that will go up in case I am very wrong and I will eat its loss if I am right.

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Going through a massive nervous breakdown atm.
And there's not a whole lot we can do about it

1000$ earned today

very good day

What lines mean me grug

how many times are we gonna to hammer 276/275, god damn fuck jerome and his limit order he's going to draw this out for a fucking decade isn't he?

I'm getting fucking spanked here

Decent person isn’t a compliment normie.

Government contracts aren't inherently worth a lot of money.

I caught the falling knife with crude oil so hard, FUCKKKK

I had already made enough profit with NET that I decided to liquidate and then go all in on BA, since it had dipped to $135. Boeing is a retarded golden egg stock for boomers, and it fluctuates really hard in this crab market. More, Trump said he thinks Boeing is the greatest company in the world, and that the US government will not let it fail. Honestly, Boeing will probably bounce back to $155 either by tomorrow or sometime later this week based purely on speculation. $155 is my limit, and I will liquidate to go all in on MFA or MRO. I could also just go back all in on NET. I'll have to wait and see.

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I wonder why....

>society barely held together by a love of telenovos and big butts

$6.50 was my price point to break in.
you need to limit orders man.
Few lower then normal. Then tons even lower.
Why even buy it at it's current price because it will dip and go up throughout the day.
Staggering buys.

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strap in and ride it man, you shouldnt have bought it if you werent in for the long haul

That is beyond fucked

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>he complains on Yas Forums about women not wanting him in between sessions of jerking of to kids

What should I buy lads?

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Just figure out what a limit is or something?

dude wait until may at the absolute fucking earliest to even touch anything with oil

Just don't look at it for a year, you'll be fine. Diamond hands now.

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JNUG doesn't track gold, it tracks junior miners.
These are companies that go under even when business is good, so I don't know what you expected when they literally aren't working at all.


just hedge it with some tech stocks or something, I have alot of oil stocks and I'm down $40


Kelly is hotter

I'm buying more as we speak but this is scary shit, 15% down in a day. Like you said just got to stay calm and keep telling myself why I bought in in the first place. HAL is going back to $70 at some point in the next 5 years.

unironically SPXS

What is this JCP meme? Explain to me why this is much better than AMC? Why buy a dieing old man, mid plague?

A gun please
And shoot me

>srsly buying jnug

isn't this direxion? it's bound to die - unless you're day trading you should'nt be touching i think

does anyone have a "percent of NYSE stocks making new daily lows" indicator? Or the same for new daily highs?

what does track gold? I mean literally just track the price of gold, not any particular company or miner?

>which of these thousands of large companies should i invest in?
>i know, this one that is on the brink of bankrupcy!

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It was beyond fucked 2 months ago when the 2 year was dropping. Now this is the biblical shit people were talking about.

Based and throwing pedos form tankers tier.

I am on the DHT train.


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post the interview

stay in cash until the next pullback

If you don't like cunny why are you trying so hard to become rich?

Everyone knows that the reason to become rich is so you can participate in cunny orgies in private islands

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It’s the 3rd day in a row I’ve gotten a nosebleed right around EOD. Are the bogs fucking with me? I have

I don't know. I'm asking all of the people in the last thread that were pushing it. Someone was theorizing that once they go bankrupt Amazon would buy them up.

The map paints a pretty clear picture of what's actually happening.

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VIX looking ok today.

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why? explain to a brainlet. is it because the us govt cant pay back denbts or someshit

also someone tell me wtf to do

Lazy pessimistic investing. I'm $10 of bonds to every $1 of stock right now.

Covered calls and puts. Pick any stock you are cool with longing. Sells call and puts that are unlikely to occur. But in this market I feel like covered calls may be a better game.

I'm interest to know as well but I think we'll have a clearer view after the announcement. I'm currently holding RTX and looking at TDG.

>that poster who can't tell the difference between cartoons and reality

I've stored this on my computer. Is that false imprisonment? Now that I've posted it, if someone else downloads it, does that make me a human trafficker?

I've got a lot of frogs to sell you, they're very rare.

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I'm legit thinking about killing myself rn. Thanks.

A put is the right to sell an amount of shares (usually 100). A call is the right to buy an amount of shares. The strike price is when it triggers (if the price goes above your strike price for a call, you can exercise your call - that is, the right to buy shares - for the price of the shares at the time you bought the call, and vice versa).
Selling a put (or, "writing") is letting someone buy off of you the right to sell shares. They pay you a premium for this. If they exercise, you must provide them the money associated with the sale of these shares. For a call, you have to provide the appropriate shares. For this to work, selling a put thus consists of first shorting the shares and then buying back. Calls consist of buying shares now and then selling later ("now" can also mean earlier - if you already own share you don't need to buy more to sell a call on your shares). All this assumes you don't go in naked (never go in naked!).

what's up with dudes posting avatars of anime girls?

Every time I see it, I can't help but assume that he's planning on becoming a "woman" pretty soon. Why would any guy make their avatar in anything a girl?


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Nobody really went short today so there won't be a short cover rally at the end of the day like usual.

will Netflix ever drop low enough to buy?

Today i got my first six dollars from stocks. Good as fuck.

Congrats me.

you're fine user, its just money

LCIguy, redpill on me on LCI, you sound like you know what you're saying

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that's just daily right? like I would want the same red/green but for 52wk change or whatever

Are you retarded? were you expecting to RTX to pump like tesla? Hold for a year until it goes back up to 150 and then post

What do ladies clothes smell like?


I'm still wondering how Berkshire Hathaway is even down.

What do you think of my SQQQ options bros?

I'm excited for when I hit 25k. Itll be soon if you cant tell :)

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>another manlet
shoo shoo

i wish I had enough of a stonk to do this. Its not worth the $9 or so I could get with my 200 shares of this or that.


i seriously posted it in here like 3 fucking times... just to be told "fuck off tripfag"

basically the guy was saying that they're way to over leveraged and that he'd stay away and that his firm will be shorting it... also said the same thing about CHK then CHK did r/s........... I have puts on OXY because I agree.. i think they're on the edge of a cliff

it means people are actually willing to buy a bond that only yields 0.6% for the literal next 10 years DESPITE all the inflation that's likely to happen from the fed. people are literally willing to lose money in bonds just for the safety of NOT being in equities.

Check out this 3 month performance, a better picture of where we are.

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I went with NUCOR instead.

I'm mostly in cash right now. I have 10k in cash that I want to trickle into index funds during the recession. Or what hopefully is a recession. I don't want to dump it in now thinking there will be a V shaped recovery because I feel like that is too much of a gamble.

how can she be mine? my gf is in chicago because of her old parents and I haven't had sex since this started and she constantly text messages me about nothing....

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>Only Trump wants to reopen
total nonsense

>Trump is going to cause wave 2 of corona outbreaks
everybody knows lame stream media will try 2nd wave meme but it wont work, things will open. especially rep states. i can see also massive amounts of people moving out of dem states after this farce

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he sick fugger who enjoy raping newfag out of they money

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