Shit is wild
So I guess Trumpbux just won him re-election
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say it with me Yas Forums
>Say Dems just want to buy nog vote through gibs like healthcare and education
>Give out literal gibs in cash for vote (Pls let me sign I need my name on a win!)
Cuckservatives are pathetic
Go back
You got it wrong. It's essentially a tax rebate for working people, it's not a welfare check.
>Dems can’t even do their own policies right
Stop using the word cuck, cuck
Thank god, it will be glorious!
To where? Why don't you go back to your echo chamber if you can't handle differing opinions or reality.
Formerly working people*
Try to stop me, cuck
its only for tax paying workers, its not welfare. 22 million americans are unemployed right now. Trump just won 2020 with a single bill
And this...
haha this nigga just bought the election, pro
Aaaaand this,...
um, hello, based department?
Taking money from people who work, and giving it to people who don't work
Giving working people back their own money they paid in taxes, to help them during a crisis
yeah, if corona has another spike in May you will receive more money and the same will happen after corona part 2
If there is one person who can unite America, it's him.
I'll fucking take it. The system is already so fucked with the FED brrrring us into complete and utter clown economy. The dollar is going to fall either way, I'm gonna take a bite of the bagel on the way down.
t. Frontline essential worker Marine
gon b SMOKIN weekend in da hood, yo
>until the moneys gone
Well at this pace, we will have income taxes and the IRS completely eliminated by January.
Bretty based if you ask me.
I'm a tax paying worker dependent college student. I'm getting 0. People on welfare can apply to get it even if they are just parasites on the system as long as they aren't dependents
Shitlibs who call people cucks are like conservatives who call people racists. Who are you trying to convince, faggot?
Being stupid enough to have someone claim you and not filing your own taxes.
You fucked up
I did file my own taxes. No clue my parents claimed me
Young black people cant/won’t vote. It’s only old black boomers that vote
So tell your parents to give you your 1200 or have them audited by the IRS. Stop complaining you fix this situation either way.
He’s got a point
Republicans have always been the niggerlover party
Biden is already done for. This virus is going to be the headliner through the summer meaning no hype whatsoever behind his campaign. Approval polling suggests Americans more or less rally behind Trump and consider this an external crisis. And you can't forget that the moment Biden walks out on a debate stage and opens his mouth 3 different days the curious moderates are going to be greeted by a literally senile retard.
I don't know what the DNC's angle was in putting all their chips on an even worse candidate than Clinton.
Considering how much has been printed and spent on corporations and the stock market, 1200 is not enough. It should be double every month until this over. A one time payment of 1200 is a fucking joke all things considered.
Yeah next year I'll tell them not to mark me because it's a tax credit for this year so next year I can get it on my taxes either way. Atm I'm emailing my congressmen to get them to pass the other bills that don't have the retarded independent requirement that fucks 18 year olds, elderly, and college students.
The intention of this stimulus was to fill in as a stopgap for actively full time working adults, not for kids and the elderly, who are already mostly subsidized and aren't going to be terribly impacted by a month or 2 without work (if they're working at all)
If they can smell Trumpbux, they will.
Remember when Obama gave everyone $2000 stimulus?
Oh nm, he bailed out BoA and Merryl after they crashed the economy.
Isn't that what unemployment is for though?
one thing trump loves is validation and all the love he's getting for these checks is giving him a dopamine hit that he is going to definitely come back to.
i reckon the only reason he kept this first check so light was so he can drop $5k on every man woman and child in America come election season
you ever lived in the ghetto?
i did, they all put toether 5 dollars each, buy a "dub" then get high and eat a couple mcChickens, then they get drunk and put hip hop and "freestyle" on the porch
$1,200 is a million dollars to them
they gonna be buying alcohol. back woods and weed. and eating off the dollar menu for the next 4 months like KANGZ ! they are really happy.
Not everybody qualified for that, and those who did experienced a delay. A lot of people took shorter hours, furlough, etc.
It's a buffer because the bunkers aren't ready yet. Literally buying time.
>all got the shittiest sneakers
Fair enough.
Anime posters are always shitlibs.
These are Yas Forumstards larping black, lmao
You can have the federal tax return amended with IRS tax form 1040X. Go under the personal section for dependent and enter "-1" for net change and then "0" under correct number.
Black conservatives can be pretty based. Black Christian conservatives even more so, just look at Clarence Thomas, the most conservative Supreme Court justice.