Trump is a real nigga

Trump is a real nigga.

How do I bet on a finna nigga getting reelected yo? Wanna put some bread on the line

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And that’s how you get the minority vote

Trump doesn't even need to campaign after this. Guaranteed reelection.

african american just proved they're as a collective people are fucking retarded

exceptions exist, of course, and this isn't even a typical racist Yas Forums shitpost, it's an intellectual opinion

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>gets endorsed by Kanye and Kim K
>gets prison reform passed
>Gives reparations to Black People in the forum of Trump Bux
Biden is going to get killed in 2020 kek

finna nigga? Are you retarded?

>get $1000 once
>all prices permanently increased by 25%

dis reel gud deel maine

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No, niggers are

We finna to throw some dice nigga

heyo my homedoggy doggies
how's it hanging
finna get this money amiright squad?

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Trumps done more for black men than any other candidate

Democrats are the parties of gays and sassy black women

Cut outsourcing + cut illegal/legal immigration is unironically the most pro black jobs stance any candidate has espoused for 40 years. They aren't smart enough to realize they're getting played and placated rather than actually empowered.

It's a joke

>Ironically pointing out that I pointing out that he didn't use it correctly, even though you too know it wasn't used correctly...

I don't even know who's Jewing who anymore

Obama gave out stimulus checks in 2008/09 you forgetful pieces of shits

No it isn’t

>generalized intellectual opinion based off of a tweet.

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Trump looking out for the brothers for once


Trump finna bouta get 13 percent o da vote

Who dat?

its quite easy.
step 1. dont live in America (a police state) and have legalised online gambling.

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What does finna mean? I'm a 31 year old out of touch boomer

Damn how new are you?

How about based on the whole nigger history. Niggers are just like animals. "White man gib stuff. White man good."

Thats not how you use finna you cringe ass white boy

nice boomer trying to fit in posting

You're on Yas Forums.

Say hello to Eggnog. He just used his Trumpbux to buy himself a pair of golden eggs from Mother Goose. He tells me he's "finna hatch em" ostensibly so he may produce more golden eggs.

He's stuck in quarantine but happy as a hen roosting the days away. He doesn't know the eggs are painted and I'm not really Mother Goose. I'm jealous.

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As a dindu nuffin myself I can confirm that Trump just got my vote for 2020