Some years ago an user lend me some money so I could open a cyber-café / Repair shop

Some years ago an user lend me some money so I could open a cyber-café / Repair shop.
I just want to share it with you guys, without you this store wouldn't exist.

Corona is hitting hard, but the hardship only make us stronger.

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pay me back nigger


>hardship only make us stronger.
Worse than any optimistic Facebook Karen. Prepare to get fucked

There are no fishes on this lake, bait not taken.
They are gonna need a wrecking ball to take me out of business.

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where in the third world is your shop?

jesus fuck even urinals have more space in-between. Let me guess, India?

Money Laundering at its finest.

There's no need for space between computers, people are pretty thin here and they like staying close to other people.
I wish I had money to launder.

this is a great story

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How many people jerk off per day?

viva as lan hueses do br
viva a inclusão digital
que todos sejam vermelhopilulados
força aí jovem tmj

Are you the favela user?

lmao, fapping at a cyber-cafe
requires high stealth, used to do when 15.

None, people have common sense, all those 3-4 years and no one have even tried to watch porn, besides most costumers are teenagers.
Obrigado, valew.
Thanks to you guys.
Nope, if I recall correctly he lived in São Paulo, pretty far away from me.

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Do they at least download porn?

pretty neat, you should teach these kids IT, you will save lives tho

OP, so a coterranean member of biz
lend you a bucks?

Have you ever gotten robbed? Has anyone tried to steal from you?

can some user lend me money, i want to open a business too :(

Holy fuck brings back memories user. I would go to brazil every summer. (Moms home country) and me and my brother would spend hours at the lan house playing counter strike with the locals. Good times.

I have no idea, I don't spy on them.
Thanks. I wish I could teach them English, but it's not like they want to learn anyway.
It was an Amecan user.
Someone stole 2 smartphones from customers in the first year, but it was all open, they put the phones in the pocket and left without I realizing. But I never got any armed robbery. (Probably because the former owner of this store was a former drug dealer).
Just make a business plan and post it here on Yas Forums that's how I did.
Some anons got in touch with me interested, so I made a deal with one of them. He lent me the money (it was something like 1.5k USD at the time) and I started working.
We agreed on 20% of the profit + returning his initial 1.5k USD.
Make a good business plan and I am sure you will find someone interested, even here on Yas Forums.

Pretty cool, where are you from?

use the catalog button, Yas Forumsbro

Honestly this looks amazingly comfy. I love the workstation. Just get a fume extractor I don't want you getting sick from the soldering. One day I'll get here, for now I tinker with stuff in my room at home

I want to get one, but I couldn't find any in Brazil, and importing one from the US would be very expensive.
Thanks for your concern :3

if this is not brazil....

This is.

>Internet cafe
>guiding the youths
>motorcycle to work

>There are no fishes on this lake, bait not taken.
Oh, there was. You.

this made me laugh, it's genuinely funny
or i'm unironically happy for you, user

either way, i hope you reach far and good luck

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Oh, you got me, you naughty boy.
Thank you user :3