If chainlink data gets aggregated on-chain

...can't you just read out the aggregator smart contract data without paying a single LINK?

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oh fuck, didn't think of this. thanks, sold 100k

Damn, kudos.

Yes, you can. But someone has to pay for the onchain aggregation in the first place.

Big if true

yes, I've been trying to tell deluded stinkies this for months. It is going back to 0 and staying there this time.

Checked. Core team member here. Umm brb gotta call Dr Nazarov

Well, shit...

but this creates a tragedy of the commons situation.
You're incentivized to let others pay for the service, meaning no one will.


Ceo of swift here, why didnt anyone tell me about this. Mr rothschild is going to release my blackmail tapes

What if we encrypt the on chain data and you can only decrypt by paying stinkies to some basement dwelling neckbeard running a json parser

Sounds too complicated. I guess this whole smart contract thing is just too complex. Can we go back to human lawyers please?

this, WTF were we thinking?


>green ID
holy shit you must be right.

lol someone debunk this please

perhaps aggregation output is concurrent with node payment

We can't. It's over. Pack it up. As soon as Sergey figures this out he'll market sell and we'll go straight to zero, and considering he is constantly on Yas Forums it's only a matter of time. In fact he's probably read it already and is busy moving his 650 million LINK to cryptopia so he can market dump.


Would someone think of the commons here, please?!?

Sergey DID talk about the free rider problem in one of his early interviews. Too lazy to go find it though


Attached: Star.Trek.The.Next.Generation.S05E18.Cause.And.Effect0049.png (1436x1080, 828.31K)

as a matter of fact I'm already doing it for my bots
luv piggybacking on dat shit

but everyone smart has filtered out of link, so nobody is going to care
very similar userbase to xrp
I can prove it to you:
each ethereum block has a state root - a hash of a tree of all variables in all contracts and accounts
there's an opcode called BLOCKHASH that allows smart contracts to retrieve hashes of past blocks
thus, it's possible to make a contract that receives a block header + path through the state tree to arbitrary state on ethereum, in all contracts and accounts.
The contract first would verify that the header hashes to the blockhash value, then check that the path in the state tree is correct (relatively cheap), thus accessing the target value.

It's impossible to prevent this.

>It's impossible to prevent this.
it’s preventable by not running the contract

what contract? the contract the receives the state tree path? but that's owned by the guy who wants to get the data for free, so why wouldn't he run it

how would a party external to the network know which block to target and when? the person in your example would either have to be the contractor, who must pay for the work to be done at all, or a node operator, who must stake tokens to be involved in aggregation at all

simple, I observe that a link data has been posted, I generate the needed proof and send it to my contract.

Sergey betrayed us all; we were supposed to be all in this together.

You can even skip all this mumbo jumbo and get the data from the sources the aggregators get it from...

that narrows your usecase to generalized outputs, for smart contracts that verify specific things it’s irrelevant if you’re peeping. Moreover a mixicle would obscure which outputs are which, correct?

>for smart contracts that verify specific things it’s irrelevant if you’re peeping
I don't understand what you meant by that.
that's a worthless meme, it's literally
>have a trusted party that computes something and you trust it
>that trusted party decides what to do with the funds/whatever
>call it mixicle to pretend it's a new thing

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>I don't understand what you meant by that.
It means there is no value in that information unless you are the contractor, who already must pay nodes for work to happen

well then there's no problem, but that's going to be very rare.

Someone has to pay for it and it's really expensive to do on-chain. Producing good data is not just averaging prices.

ok, thanks for volunteering for paying the nodes for all the rest of us.
I'll contact the Synthetix and Aave teams right now to inform them we have a hero here willing to take over all costs.

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